Banning Children from the Library?
Recommendation: The Akhenaten Adventure

Another List of Favorite Children's Books

I ran across an article by Suzanne Perez Tobias in today's Wichita Eagle online that visitors to this site might find of interest. Ms. Tobias recently wrote a column listing some of her children's favorite books. Her readers responded with recommendations, and also with requests for more recommendations. Or, as Ms. Tobias put it, "Parents, grandparents and caregivers of all types said they love hearing about great books for kids. Without exception, they asked us to keep the titles coming." Today's entry is her second follow-up column, with more to follow, listing reader recommendations for children's books.

It seems that the readers of the Wichita Eagle have much in common with the readers of this website. If you look at the list at the Wichita Eagle site, you'll find quite a few books in common with the list on my Kids Recommended page. And you'll find some others, too, so it's worth your while to check them both out. Happy Reading -- Jen   

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