Article about "All-of-a-Kind Family"
February 15, 2006
Melanie Rehak (author of the recent book Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her) has written a fascinating article about Sydney Taylor's All-of-a-kind Family. The article appears at, a site specializing in Jewish literature, culture and ideas. It starts with Sydney Taylor's childhood with her sisters in a tenement in Manhattan's Lower East Side, and progresses to the adult Ms. Taylor telling childhood stories to her own daughter, and then writing them down in the book that became All-of-a-kind Family. The article moves on to Melanie Rehak's own experience in reading the book, and how it taught her about the Jewish culture, complete with illustrations from the book. But head on over to and check out the article yourself. It's bound to make you want to re-read All-of-a-kind Family. I know I do. -- Jen