Poetry Friday: The Railway Children
Using Literature to Help Kids Cope

I'm Back!

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm back from my wonderful vacation on Providenciales Island in Turks and Caicos (the Caribbean). No cell phone, no email access, gorgeous beaches, a pirate cave, amazing food, and good friends (thanks G&G!). What more can a person ask? Actually, I ran into my friend Cory, on a beach, which was a fun and expected surprise. And I did manage to read seven books on the trip, two featuring pirates:

Reviews will hopefully be forthcoming, at least of the children's / young adult books, once I get a bit more caught up with life.

I was pleased to come home and find review copies of two books waiting for me: I Can't See, But...I Can Imagine by Patricia Wilson and A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl by Tanya Lee Stone. Thanks, Pat and Tanya! I also just received an Amazon gift certificate prize and delightful e-card from MotherReader, honoring my success in her 48 Hour Book Challenge (I spent the most time reading, amazingly enough). These things are helping me in my adjustment back to the post-vacation world. I started to call it "the real world", but I thought that it might be stretching it to call a life lived so much in children's books "the read world".

More soon! I'm glad to be back.
