Too Grown Up for Kids' Stuff!?
September 03, 2006
Jason Kotecki, "young at heart" attitude advocate and author of the book Escape Adulthood (a must-read for you adult readers of children's books), sent me a link to a great article from today's The Star Online. The article is by Daphne Lee, and is about a recent conversation that she had with a colleague who she calls "R". R, like others of Daphne's acquaintance, tends to disparage children's books, considering them "less complex", "not as challenging", and generally "inferior" to adult literature. Daphne, a frequent reader of children's books, begs to differ, and challenges R to actually read a current book from the children's or young adult section of the bookstore. She also offers a solid defense of children's books, including this paragraph:
"Children’s books offer unique viewpoints on a myriad of topics and issues. It’s not just about catching burglars or getting a date for the prom, nor has it ever been."
I recommend that if you enjoy children's books, and especially if you are sometimes embarrassed about reading children's books as an adult, you check out this article. You can also visit Daphne's blog for reading suggestions.
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