Sunday Afternoon Visits: September 10
New Moon: Stephenie Meyer

Top Picks for 2006 (So Far)

MotherReader has called on members of the kidlitosphere to select our top picks for 2006 (so far), by age. She asked for only five in each category. Narrowing things down was very difficult. To make it easier, I limited myself to books first published in 2006. This eliminates many excellent books that I read this year that were published last year (or earlier). Here are my selections:

Elementary School

Middle School

High School

Please note that this list is highly subjective. It's the books that I've personally enjoyed the most out of the books that I read this year, and that were published this year. It was difficult to choose, and I read a lot of other wonderful books, too. There are also books that I've heard great things about, and am dying to read, but I did not add any books to my list on the basis of expecting to like them. I'll be interested to see what other people pick!

UPDATE: Above post edited to remove Pond Scum, which, although I loved it, turns out to have been published in 2005. My mistake! I replaced it with Happy Kid!, which I've just learned from author Gail Gauthier was actually published in May 2006, despite Amazon listing it as December 31, 2005. Sorry for any confusion, and thanks to A Fuse #8 Production and Gail Gauthier for taking the time to point out my mistakes.

© 2009 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved.
