Children's Literacy Round-Up: October 31
October 30, 2006
Happy Halloween to all! I don't have any candy for you (unless you happen to live in my neighborhood in San Jose, which seems unlikely). But I do have some tidbits in the way of children's literacy-related stories.
- From a recent press release: "City National Bank is now accepting applications from educators for grants to support literacy-based projects at elementary, middle and high schools throughout California. The online application can be accessed by visiting Any full-time teacher, librarian, administrator or school media specialist at a school in one of the 11 California counties in which City National has offices is eligible to apply. About 100 grants totaling up to $50,000 will be awarded... Awards can be used for books, videos, CDs, DVDs or computer software or hardware – any project as long as the recipient can show that the funds will support literacy."
- According to the Ashtabula, Ohio Star-Beacon, "The Ashtabula County Literacy Coalition is sponsoring another event to celebrate literacy and promote reading. The idea behind National Family Literacy Day is to make Ashtabula County residents a community of readers, said Suzanne Bernardini, event chairwoman." The day will feature a surprise guest who is a character from a popular children's book.
- In sad news, Afghan women have been denied a literacy program for fear of Taliban retribution. You can read more here.
- There's a nice article at (Massachusetts) about two Rochester sisters (ages 8 and 10) who recently received commendations from President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush, in honor of their humanitarian efforts. "Arissa and Deianeira have been actively involved in fundraising for Reach Out and Read, a national nonprofit organization that promotes early literacy. Their efforts recently resulted in 400 new books being donated to the program."
Happy reading to all!