The Cybils: Seeking Volunteers
How to Nominate Books for the Cybils

Young Adult Committee for the Cybils

Here is the list for the Young Adult Fiction committees for The Cybils (The 2006 Children's and YA Bloggers' Literary Awards):

Nominating Committee: These brave souls will narrow down the anticipated many nominations to FIVE.

Judging Committee: These dedicated readers will read the five nominations, and select the winner, over a relatively short time period in January.

If you end up deciding that you would prefer to do something different, or if you somehow ended up on multiple committees through my mixing up your first vs. second choices, just let me know. People are limited to one committee each (at least for now). If you're still looking for a committee, check out the Cybils site for some excellent choices. I'm on the Middle Grade Fiction Judging Committee.

Thanks for everyone who volunteered! This is going to be so much fun!

One other thing: if you tried to volunteer, and I didn't respond to you, and didn't put you on the list, please let me know. I'm getting a suspicion that I may be losing email or comments, and I'm trying to track that down. And if this did happen, you have my deepest of apologies. Technology is wonderful when it works, and start to depend upon it, but when it doesn't, it can really mess things up.
