Meme: Where Do You Do Most of Your Reading?
March 30, 2007
I'm not someone who is drawn to every meme that goes around. But I couldn't resist this one, which I saw at A Patchwork of Books. The question is:
Where do you do most of your reading? Your favorite spot?
For me, as for Amanda, the place that I do most of my reading isn't necessarily my favorite spot. I do most of my reading on a love seat in my living room. It's just the right length that I can lie down, with a pillow under my head, and prop my feet up on the opposite armrest. I've spend many, many hours reading on this couch. I'd really like a newer, more comfortable couch (this one is a bit stiff), but it works for me in the meantime.
My second most frequent reading spot is in bed. Actually, I read there more frequently than I do on the couch, but for shorter periods, because I tend to fall asleep. I read most nights before going to sleep. I also read frequently on airplanes, but as I'm not much of a fan of travel, this hardly qualifies as a favorite spot. It's more that the reading makes the travel tolerable. Barely.
But my favorite reading spot? On a lounge chair outside of a cottage on a little spit of land sticking out into the Atlantic Ocean in Bar Harbor, Maine. It's been about 12 years since I was last there, but I spend one glorious day sitting in that chair, reading all day long, and listening to the waves (while Mheir went hiking by himself for a day). When I'm seeking peace, I close my eyes, and remember that spot. I have a handful of other "beautiful places where I managed to find time to read" in my memory banks, but that one was the most peaceful.
Where do you like to read?
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