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Litty Awards for Best Christian Lit Bloggers

Welcome readergirlz!

I've been holding off on mentioning this publicly until they announced it themselves, but I'm now pleased to report that I've been selected as one of the inaugural postergirlz for readergirlz.

Here's what the readergirlz divas wrote in their latest newsletter:

The readergirlz divas couldn't be happier to announce the formation of postergirlz for readergirlz, an advisory council which will generously lend their YA lit expertise to guide our book choices.  This amazing group is made up of some of the biggest names in YA lit blogging as well as avid teen girl readers:

Little Willow, readergirlz webdiva and bookseller who writes the famous Bildungsroman blog

Jen, the multi-talented, left-and-right brained powerhouse behind Jen's Book Page

Jackie, the epitome of an enthusiastic and knowledgeable librarian who writes InteractiveReader

Miss Erin, the youngest Cybils' judge and author of her much-read and much-respected blog

*  Alexia, an avid teen reader, Little Willow protégée (which makes her instantly cool in our book) and brand-new blogger

I'm honored to be in such great company! Not familiar with readergirlz? The best introduction I can give you is Kelly's readergirlz profile in the recent issue of The Edge of the Forest.

Be sure to also check out the latest issue of the readergirlz newsletter. They'll be celebrating National Poetry Month by focusing on a novel in verse, On Pointe, by readergirlz diva Lorie Ann Grover. According to the newsletter, "On Pointe provides an insider's unflinching look at the world of ballet, complete with the eating disorders that run rampant among the professionally thin--all told in powerful verse."

Readergirlz is an amazing enterprise, and I'm honored to be a part of it. I'll be helping to suggest books for coming months. This means that I'll be focusing more than ever on finding and reading young adult books with gutsy girl protagonists.
