Children's Literacy Round-Up: August 28
August 28, 2007
Here are the recent children's literacy-related news stories that caught my eye:
- Random House just donated $1 million to First Book. According to, "The gift, a multiyear commitment announced today, is the largest single philanthropic contribution ever made by the house, the world's largest trade book publisher."
- In other First Book-related news, a Pennsylvania drug court is working with First Book to provide books to children of drug court mothers and fathers. According to the Altoona Mirror, "Participant Jennifer Mallery-Cole sympathized with the families she saw and recommended that drug court obtain a grant for books to be distributed to children."
- (Philippines) has a lovely feature / opinion piece by about raising kids who love books. It includes suggestions like this: "There are three lessons that I always pass on to other parents when it comes to developing a love for the written word. One, you need to be a role-model for the love for reading. Two, expose your child to a wide array of books and encourage him or her to find favorites. And three, especially at a young age, it is very important to read to your child and interact with him or her as you read." Do click through and read the whole article.
That's all for this week. Happy reading!