Upcoming: Recommendations From Under the Radar
August 23, 2007
Next week, the team that brought you the Summer Blog Blast Tour (SBBT) and the One Shot World Tour: Best Read with Vegemite will be featuring Recommendations From Under the Radar. As our host Colleen Mondor says, in her post of introduction to this new event:
We "will be posting about books we all individually feel have been overlooked. Some of them might have been award winners in the distant past, and some are even out of print, but all of them are books that each of us have enjoyed and want to tell more people about."
I'll be featuring several titles by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, one of my favorite childhood authors, whose work I still love today. I hope that you'll check back next week to see what everyone else comes up with for Books from Under the Radar.
Updated to add: The complete list of planned Radar Book posts is now available at Chasing Ray.
P.S. The image above is compliments of Little Willow.