October 30, 2007
In case anyone is interested, we did feel the earthquake tonight in San Jose. It was the strongest one we've felt in the seven years we've been in California, about a 5.6. I actually just read in the Mercury News that it's the strongest in the area since the Loma Prieta quake in 1989.
Like Susan, I thought at first that a plane was very close by overhead. But Mheir was on top of it, knew right away that it was an earthquake, and said that we should go outside. We went out barefoot, and hung out in the driveway for a few minutes talking to our neighbor, until we were pretty sure it was over. We were fine, but I was definitely trembling.
Inside we found a few things disturbed - a picture that was propped up on a shelf fell over, taking a ceramic pot with it, things like that - but nothing major.
Just enough to leave us feeling a bit shaken up. And thinking about that earthquake-preparedness kit...
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