Sunday Afternoon Visits: Book Awards, Book Lists, and Bookstores
Cybils 2007 Short Lists

Books Now Available: Girl Overboard

About two months ago I reviewed Justina Chen Headley's book: Girl Overboard, which is due to be released today. Girl Overboard is the story of Syrah, Chinese-American daughter of a billionaire, in recovery from both a snowboarding accident and a broken heart and trying to figure out her true strengths. I said:

Justina Chen Headley, through Syrah, is showing teenage girls that they have a right to define themselves on their own strengths and to be amazing on their own terms. This message, delivered with a fast-paced and complex plot, multi-dimensional characters, and a humorous yet sympathetic tone, is a sure winner.

You can read the full review here. It's well worth checking out.
