Books Now Available: The London Eye Mystery
February 12, 2008
Back in December I reviewed Siobhan Dowd's middle grade novel The London Eye Mystery. The book was previously published in the UK, and is now available in the US. In my review I called it: "... a locked room mystery for kids, one with a more intriguing setting than most". In addition to an intriguing setting (a boy disappears from the London Eye, a huge ferris wheel), The London Eye also features a narrator with (apparently) Asperger's Syndrome. I concluded:
"I recommend The London Eye Mystery for elementary school age mystery buffs, boys and girls, as well as for kids who have any kind of learning difference. The message that Siobhan Dowd conveys, with a very light hand, is that being different isn't necessarily bad. Differences in thinking can even turn into assets, depending upon the circumstances. Being able to get this across while keeping kids engrossed in the mystery took real talent on Dowd's part."
You can read my full review here.