Take Action to Support RIF
February 13, 2008
I wrote last week about the funding issue facing Reading is Fundamental. Today I'm here to tell you how easy it is to take action to show your support for RIF's inexpensive book distribution program. All you have to do is click here and follow the instructions to send email to your local and national elected officials. I tested it out this morning. All I had to do was enter my zip code and other information, add a paragraph of my own text (optional), and in about two minutes I had sent email to:
- George W. Bush
- Richard B. Cheney
- Senator Barbara Boxer
- Senator Dianne Feinstein
- Representative Michael M. Honda
[Actually, I had to go to another website to re-send the message to Senator Boxer, because she requires some other form to be used, but I received a message telling me how to do it.] And that was it. Very, very easy! A few others I noticed who said that they also helped out in this way include: Susan Thomsen from Chicken Spaghetti, cloudscome from A Wrung Sponge, and Megan Germano from Read, Read, Read. See also Donalyn Miller's eloquent post at The Book Whisperer - she puts RIF's important contribution in a larger context.
If you think that it's important to get books into the hands of America's less-privileged children, please consider using this simple method to show your support for RIF.