Winners: The Adoration of Jenna Fox
New Contest: Alec Flint, Super Sleuth

Futuristic, Speculative, Science Fiction and Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults

The Adoration of Jenna Fox

UPDATED to add: An amended version of this list is now available here. Please click through to see the updated list. 

Last week, I had a contest by which people could win a copy of Mary Pearson's latest book, The Adoration of Jenna Fox (reviewed here). I asked people, as kind of a bonus question, to "recommend another futuristic, speculative, science fiction or dystopian fiction title aimed at young adults." And the suggestions poured in. Here is a summary (alphabetical by author), with many thanks to everyone who commented. Note that a few are crossover titles, published for adults but with teen appeal.

I'm going to add (in addition to the many excellent titles above):

Any other suggestions? Please note that this list is not comprehensive - it merely represents some suggested titles in this genre by readers of the blog. But I am happy to continue adding to it. See also Little Willow's Dystopia Booklist and (found via LW) the Dystopian Literature Wikipedia page.

© 2009 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved.
