5 Minutes for Books
Gods of Manhattan: Scott Mebus

KidLit Conference News

KidlitlogoYesterday I mentioned the upcoming Portland KidLit Conference. Today there is a bit of additional conference news to bring to your attention. First off, Laini Taylor designed the gorgeous logo to your left (click to enlarge). Isn't it beautiful? Doesn't it make you want to make reservations to Portland right now?

I_heartSecond, Laini has put together a KidLit 08 Cafe Press shop where you can buy tons of cool KidLit conference paraphernalia (mugs, t-shirts, etc.). There is a very cool messenger bag that says "I (heart) Children's Books", which I was completely unable to resist (even though I can't really say that I need a new bag). Plus I ordered a couple of coffee mugs. I use my 2007 conference mugs all the time, and it seemed only fair to give 2008 equal billing.

Third, Jone Rush MacCulloch (aka Ms. Mac) has posted a preliminary list of conference topics. Interested in presenting? Now's your chance. Interested in learning about social networking to promote your blog from Gregory K, or what makes a great blog from MotherReader? It's not too late to register. Check out the conference website for details.

And if you can't attend, but want to show your support for the conference, consider buying some of the cool stuff at the Cafe Press site. All proceeds will go towards funding the conference (thus, may I hazard a guess, making it more likely that there will be a third conference next year). And, as Laini pointed out, you can proudly declare that you read kidlit.

Aren't Jone and Laini a great team? I am really looking forward to the conference, and I hope to see all of you there.
