Free the Children Rally in Palo Alto
Children's Literacy Round-Up: Groundhog Day Edition

Books Read in January

This is a list of the books that I read in January, broken up into Picture Books, Easy Readers, Middle Grade Books, Young Adult Books, and Adult Fiction. I don't have a goal for total number of books read this year. I generally find that however many books I did read in a given month, I always hope to have time for more in the next month. So we'll see... Wishing all of you time to read in February and beyond.

Picture Books

  1. Bob Staake: Trucks Go Pop. LB Kids. Completed January 3, 2009.
  2. Tad Hills: What's Up, Duck? A Book of Opposites (Board Book). Schwartz & Wade. Completed January 8, 2009.

Easy Readers

(Note: the Easy Readers are all excellent. I read them for the Cybils, and can't comment in more detail until the awards are announced)

  1. Mo Willems: I Love My New Toy! An Elephant & Piggie Book. Hyperion. Completed January 6, 2009.
  2. Mo Willems: I Will Surprise My Friend! An Elephant & Piggie Book. Hyperion. Completed January 6, 2009.
  3. Katie Speck (ill. Paul Ratz de Tagyos): Maybelle Goes to Tea. Henry Holt. Completed January 6, 2009.
  4. Kate DiCamillo (ill. Chris Van Dusan): Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig. Candlewick Press. Completed January 6, 2009.
  5. James Howe (ill. Marie-Louise Gay): Houndsley and Catina and the Quiet Time. Candlewick Press. Completed January 6, 2009.

Middle Grade Books

  1. Nancy Werlin: Double Helix. Puffin Sleuth. Completed January 3, 2009. My review.
  2. Ellen Booraem: The Unnameables. Harcourt Children's Books. Completed January 13, 2009.
  3. Jeff Kinney: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw. Amulet. Completed January 17, 2009.  Having read this book, I now understand what the fuss has been about this series. It is SO funny!
  4. David Ward: Beneath the Mask. Amulet. Completed January 17, 2009. My review.
  5. James Preller: Six Innings. Feiwel & Friends. Completed January 24, 2009. My review.

Young Adult Books

  1. A. M. Jenkins: Repossessed: A Novel. Harper Teen. Completed January 3, 2009. My review.
  2. Patrick Ness: The Knife of Never Letting Go. Candlewick. Completed January 9, 2009. My review.
  3. Christine Fletcher: Ten Cents A Dance. Bloomsbury. Completed January 10, 2009. My review.
  4. Ann Brashares: Three Willows: The Sisterhood Grows. Delacorte Books for Young Readers. Completed January 18, 2009. My review.
  5. Denise Vega: Fact of Life #31. Knopf Book for Young Readers. Completed January 19, 2009. This book is excellent, much more substantial than the pink and white cover would indicate. I just haven't had time to review it.
  6. Mitali Perkins: Secret Keeper. Delacorte Press. Completed January 24, 2009. My review.

Adult Fiction

  1. Carol O'Connell: Bone by Bone. Putnam Adult. Completed January 5, 2009.
