Share a Story - Shape a Future: Day 4: A Visit to the Library
March 12, 2009
Today is Day 4 of the Share a Story - Shape a Future literacy blog tour. Today's theme is A Visit to the Library. Today's host, Eva Mitnick, says:
"Nothing is as good as picking up a picture book and reading the whole thing cover to cover. Will it work for story time? Is it perfect to read to a class? Is it a wonderful lapsit book for a grown-up to share with a favorite child?"
I do love libraries! Here are today's links (from here):
- Eva's Welcome to the Library Post - Eva @ Eva's Book Addiction. Eva has some great links here, like to her favorite library contest, a Dewey Decimal System bookmark, and some library-related resources
- From Cozy to Cool - Library Spaces for Everyone - Eva @ Eva's Book Addiction (this post has fun photo illustrations)
- Lions and Marble and Books, Oh My - Betsy Bird at A Fuse #8 Production (this post has awe-inspiring photo illustrations)
- How to Make the Library Work for YOU - an interview with Adrienne of What Adrienne Thinks About That conducted by Jules at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast (this post has gorgeous book cover illustrations)
- The World Beyond the Library's Walls - Melissa @ Librarian by Day (this post covers library services beyond books)
- ABC Storytimes: Taking the Library Home - Pam Coughlan @ MotherReader
More Great Posts
- Tiger's Bookshelf: Shopping Mall Library (Thai Knowledge Park) - Janet @ PaperTigers
- Time Travel in a Thai Library: A Visit to Neilson Hays - Janet @ PaperTigers
- CNN has an article about children's books today. Link via Steven @ Book Dads (and I also saw it on Facebook)
- Carol Rasco from RIF chimes in with some library memories.
Susan Stephenson asked me to remind you all not to forget to check out the comments on all of the Share a Story - Shape a Future posts. There are some great discussions going on.
Image credit: Author/illustrator Elizabeth Dulemba created the Share a Story - Shape a Future logo.