Boys Are Dogs: Leslie Margolis
Share a Story - Shape a Future: Day 5: The Future of Reading

Share a Story - Shape a Future: Day 4: A Visit to the Library

ShareAStoryLogo-color Today is Day 4 of the Share a Story - Shape a Future literacy blog tour. Today's theme is A Visit to the Library. Today's host, Eva Mitnick, says:

"Nothing is as good as picking up a picture book and reading the whole thing cover to cover. Will it work for story time? Is it perfect to read to a class? Is it a wonderful lapsit book for a grown-up to share with a favorite child?"

I do love libraries! Here are today's links (from here):

More Great Posts

Susan Stephenson asked me to remind you all not to forget to check out the comments on all of the Share a Story - Shape a Future posts. There are some great discussions going on.

Image credit: Author/illustrator Elizabeth Dulemba created the Share a Story - Shape a Future logo.
