Drop Everything and Read Day
April 11, 2009
Tomorrow is Easter, but it's also Drop Everything and Read Day (held on April 12th, in honor of Beverly Cleary's birthday). D.E.A.R. spokeskid Ramona Quimby says:
"I got it ever since I was eight and we started having D.E.A.R. time at my school. D.E.A.R. is a lot of fun and because I know so much about it, librarians [Association for Library Service to Children], teachers [National Education Association], parents [Parent Teacher Association], journalists [Newspaper Association of America Foundation], some people who make books [HarperCollins Children’s Books], and some people who give books [First Book] have asked me—Ramona Geraldine Quimby—to be in charge of telling everyone about National Drop Everything and Read Day on April 12th."
As for me, I'd like to join Maureen from Kid Tested, Librarian Approved in suggesting that you tuck a book into those Easter baskets, along with the chocolate bunnies. If you need suggestions for Easter-themed books, Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile has a list of 75 children's Easter books. But really, I think that any book will do (any book of interest to the recipient, anyway). And wouldn't tomorrow afternoon be a great time to curl up with a child and read books?
Happy D.E.A.R. day and Happy Easter!