You Never Heard of Sandy Koufax?!: Jonah Winter & Andre Carrilho
Candor: Pam Bachorz

Children's Literacy Round-Up: August 24

Terry_readingtubfinal_1 This week’s children’s literacy and reading news round-up, brought to you by Jen Robinson’s Book Page and Scrub-a-Dub-Tub, a Reading Tub blog, is now available at the Reading Tub. This week Terry Doherty and I (mostly Terry, in truth) have collected lots of great content for you about literacy & reading-related events; raising readers; literacy and reading programs and research; 21st century literacies; grants, sponsorships & donations; and other new resources.

Free-ED-150x125 My favorite article this week is one that Terry found about how kids who have imaginary friends have more developed language skills than kids who don’t. Who here had imaginary friends? I sure did. I also liked the literacy billboard to the left, though I haven't seen the real thing yet (it's an hour or so from where I live). But Terry has tons of other interesting news today.

Booklights I also have a few extra links about raising readers over at Booklights today, so you might want to check those out, too.

I'm getting back up to speed after a three-day wine-tasting weekend (rough life, I know), and the Internet problems that I've been having since before I left are not helping. But I hope to get more caught up with the blogs later in the week. Hope you're all enjoying these last days of August.
