Literacy Lava 3 Now Available: PDF Magazine for Parents
December 01, 2009
I'm happy to report that the third issue of Literacy Lava is now available. Here's the scoop from editor Susan Stephenson:
"Literacy Lava 3 is a free magazine for parents in pdf form. It's now available on my website. This is another great issue, exploding with tips for parents about ways to encourage literacy in family life. Find out what your local library has to offer, read ideas on making books with kids, sneak some learning into shopping, discover games that build literacy skills, develop imagination while playing Grocery Store, make writing part of your family’s life, read why picture books are so good for kids, and find out how literacy helped one child fight night terrors. Don’t forget to check out the Online Extras page, and the Writing Prompt activity page for kids."
It looks like another great issue to me. There are articles by several of my top blog/Twitter literacy news sources. I look forward to taking time to dig into Literacy Lava 3 in more detail later this week.