Press Release: Curious George Exhibit at the Jewish Museum
Sunday Afternoon Visits: March 21

A Most Impressive Reading Streak - 3218 Nights in a Row

Cheryl Rainfield linked to a New York Times article today that I absolutely love. Michael Winerip profiles a father and daughter who read aloud together every night for 3218 nights in a row. 3218 nights!! 

Jim Brozina, a single father and elementary school librarian, proposed "The Streak" to his daughter Kristen when she was in fourth grade. He didn't want them to stop reading together, and he thought that The Streak might help. The original goal was to see if they could read together for 100 nights in a row. Well, 100 nights stretched to 1000, and then The Streak ended up continuing right up until Kristen's first day of college. How awesome is that?

Some compromise was required, of course. They had to do a few of the readings over the phone, or out at Kristen's play practices. They had to interrupt their respective social lives sometimes. But they did it anyway. What a testimonial to the power of reading. And, perhaps, a future tip for growing bookworms... Seems to me that families with two parents at home could have a bit more flexibility in scheduling, and perhaps produce an even more impressive streak. But it would take real determination.

Jim and Kristen, you are an inspiration! Thanks to you (and to Michael Winerip and Cheryl Rainfield) for brightening my weekend.
