Welcome Book Whisperer Readers
March 31, 2010
Donalyn Miller is a 6th grade language arts teacher who has had tremendous success in connecting her students with books (hence her moniker "The Book Whisperer"). Donalyn's blog is one of my go-to sources for ideas about books and raising readers. Donalyn was an organizer for this year's Share a Story - Shape a Future literacy blog tour, and she simply loves books. I reviewed her book, The Book Whisperer: Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child last fall, and recommend it to people, especially teachers, at every possible opportunity. As Anne Shirley would say, Donalyn and I are kindred spirits.
So you can imagine how honored and pleased I was last night to see that Donalyn had recommended my blog to her readers. This completely made my day! So now I would like to offer a special welcome her to any Book Whisper readers/fans of Donalyn who are here today thanks to her recommendation. I sure that you are all kindred spirits, too. Welcome!