One Night in the Zoo: Judith Kerr
Baby Bookworm Update

Baby News and Blog Hiatus

It was only a month ago that I announced that Mheir and I were growing our own little bookworm. My news today is that our daughter was born last Monday, April 5th. She's doing well, but she arrived about 10 weeks early, so she'll be in the hospital for at least the next few weeks.

I'm spending as much time at the hospital with her as I can, and am thus taking a bit of a leave of absence from the blog. I won't be posting or accepting any offers of books for review. Terry will be continuing the Children's Literacy Roundups as she can, but I won't be contributing right now. I'm putting all of my energy into my little girl.

For those who might be interested, the first book that we read to her was One Night at the Zoo by Judith Kerr (reviewed here - last week's reviews were previously written and set up as delayed posts). We're starting to order books from the wish list that I set up last month, and appreciate the suggestions that many of you made. We can't wait to get our little one home from the hospital, and to read to her in a more cozy environment.

I will be sending out one issue of my Growing Bookworms email newsletter this week, so that subscribers know what I'm up to. My apologies to the many people who just signed up for the newsletter (subscribers flooded in after a recommendation from Donalyn Miller). I'm sorry about the timing - but I hope that you'll stick with me, as I'll be back to posting, and sending the newsletter, as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience!
