A Baby Bookworm at Home
May 17, 2010
I just realized that I forgot to put the word out on my blog that our Baby Bookworm came home from the hospital last week, after five weeks in the NICU. She still has about a month until her original due date, but she's gaining weight like a champ, and doing really well.
I'm still reading her The Secret Garden. She also likes those black and white board books by Tana Hoban (White on Black, etc.). Alas, I forget who recommended those. Her library continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and I'm looking forward to reading more and more books to her over time.
Still not sure when I'll be back to blogging. Right now a higher priority is finding a way to get more than 2 hours of sleep a day. But I do miss you all, and hope to be dipping a toe back into the Kidlitosphere soon.
Thanks again to everyone who has sent our Baby Bookworm good thoughts. I really do believe that they've helped. And all of the positive thoughts (and books) from my Kidlitosphere friends has been a reminder, not that I needed one, that a virtual community can absolutely be a real community. And a very special one to boot.
More soon...