Kiss Good Night: Amy Hest
Cybils, Carnival of Children's Literature, and Kidlitcon

2010 Cybils Panels

Cybils2010small Just a quick update to let you all know that the nominating and judging panels for the Cybils were announced last week. Here are direct links to each panel:

You can also follow the Cybils organizers on Twitter here, the Young Adult panelists here, and an ever-growing set of all of the 2010 panelists, maintained by Amy Baskin, here.

And here are some comments from Anne Levy, Cybils co-founder and champion, about the selection of panelists:

At last count, more than 190 people volunteered for roughly 110 spots (give or take a few, I really haven't counted lately). Inevitably, some of you will be disappointed. It wasn't personal. Honest.

We tried to achieve a balance on each panel. We wanted a mix of occupations, genders, regions, ethnicity, etc. Some veteran judges weren't asked back so we could make room for more newcomers. A few people impressed us with the combined reach of their blogs, tweets and Facebook presence. Still others have such a masterful command of their favorite genre that we knew it would be a poorer contest without their expertise.

Read Anne's full post here.

For those of you who volunteered but were not selected, please know that the organizers were sad not to be able to include you this time around. They did their best to put together the most balanced panels that they could. It was especially difficult because certain categories (like young adult fiction) were very popular this year. If you weren't selected, please do try again next year. And we hope that you'll still participate in the Cybils by blogging, tweeting, following us on Facebook, supporting our sponsors, or buying Cybils bling. And, most importantly, by nominating books.

Nominations for the 2010 Cybils open this Friday, October 1st. Anyone can nominate titles, one book per category. Visit the Cybils blog on Friday for more details. Thanks for your interest in the Cybils!
