Growing Bookworms Newsletter: March 8
Turtle in Paradise: Jennifer L. Holm

Celebrate World Read Aloud Day Today

Litworldwrad2011banner LitWorld asks:

What would you miss most if you could not read or write? Imagine your world without words.

I can't honestly imagine my world without words. Can you? My default state, when I don't have something else that I have to do, is reading. I read to my daughter as often as I possibly can. I read blog posts and Tweets and Facebook status updates and newspapers and magazines and instruction manuals and road signs and ... There are words everywhere. Not being able to understand them would be indescribably bleak.

Today, LitWorld asks you to join them in celebrating World Read Aloud Day. It's quite simple. All you have to do is make some time to read aloud. And if you want to participate in WRAD as a shared virtual event, check out this post for ideas. Or follow LitWorld on Twitter.
