Children's Literacy and Reading News Roundup: Mid-August Edition
Growing Bookworms Newsletter: August 17

KidLitCon Partners with RIF

Bebooksmart_bnr Colleen Mondor just shared this news at Chasing Ray, a few minutes too late to make it into the Mid-August Children's Literacy and Reading News Roundup. Just as well, because this deserves its own post.

Kidlitcon_logo2 KidLitCon (the annual conference of children's and young adult book bloggers, which I've been posting about recently) has always included a charitable donation opportunity as part of the event. This year, and going forward, KidLitCon is going to be partnering with Reading is Fundamental. Colleen very eloquently explained why:

"I'm sure many of you are aware how RIF's budget was decimated by the elimination of federal funds this year. I'm not going to get all political with you because the hard truth is that there are few painless answers to our economic mess. But cutting RIF is particularly harsh as it exists solely to put books into the hands of children who otherwise can not afford them. RIF is an investment in our future in the purest and most direct terms. When you think about that way, it's hard to understand why anyone would ever put RIF on the chopping block but that is what has happened and now we just have to do what we can to make sure that future promise remains unchanged.

There are many generous groups and corporations who have stepped up to help RIF and for that we should all be grateful. KIdLit Con is seeking to make a more personal and direct contribution as the funds we raise will be coming directly from book lovers in the pursuit of creating more book lovers. Now is the time, quite frankly, where we need to put up or shut up. If you are a writer or a librarian or a bookseller or a book blogger or if you read blogs about books then this fundraiser is targeted directly at you."

I'm joining Colleen in asking those of you who are planning to attend KidLitCon, or wish you could attend KidLitCon, or plan to be there in spirit, to consider supporting KidLItCon's partnership with RIF. You can do that by donating, but you can also help by spreading the word about the KidLitCon RIF fundraising partnership. Please do use this specific link, as donations via the link will be tracked and added up, and we'll be able to know what a difference we've made, together, for RIF. 

I'm not objective, of course. Carol Rasco, the CEO of RIF, works with Terry Doherty and me on our children's literacy roundups. The RIF smart car came to my house last month. I would support RIF whether or not this year's KidLitCon organizers asked me to. But the bottom line is that I agree with Colleen. Book lovers have a responsibility to help create and nurture more book loves. And supporting RIF is a wonderful and effective way to do that.

I've taken on Colleen's challenge. I've donated, I've shared Colleen's post on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, and I've written this post. I hope that some of you will do the same.

RIFF_logo RIF and KidLitCon. Two great things, even better together.
