Between: Jessica Warman
Ashes: Ilsa J. Bick

2011 Cybils Nominations Are Now Open

Cybils2011 Yes, it's that time again. Time to nominate your favorite children's and young adult titles (published between 10/16/2010 and 10/15/2011) in the various Cybils categories. Anyone can nominate (one title per person per category). You don't have to have a blog to nominate titles. You can find all of the information that you need, including eligibility rules and the link to the nomination form, in this post. (Use of the nomination form is required, no nominations via comments will be accepted.) Nominations close October 15th.

If you look in the first sidebar on the right from this post, you can see links to the lists of nominated titles by category. Many thanks to Sheila Ruth for designing the database that allows this immediately updated list to display. I'll be a first round judge in Fiction Picture Books, where we already have a bunch of great titles nominated.

So, tarry no longer. Head over to the Cybils blog, and start nominating your favorite titles for the 2011 Cybils. As always, we're looking for books that are well-written and kid-friendly, the kind of books that help make kids avid readers for life.
