Children's Literacy and Reading News Roundup: April in Review
May 03, 2012
The end of April Children’s Literacy and Reading News Roundup brought to you by Carol Rasco at Quietly (her new blog), Terry Doherty at Family Bookshelf and me, Jen Robinson, is now available at Quietly. I don't know how Carol managed to pull things together this month, with everything going on at RIF (Book People Unite, the RIF Gift of Reading Gala, new RIF blog, etc.). But she's got plenty of tidbits for us in literacy and reading events, literacy and reading programs and research, and suggestions for growing bookworms. [And if you haven't taken the Book People Unite pledge for literacy, what are you waiting for?]
In truth, there's been so much going on in the world of children's literacy and reading that it's nearly impossible to keep up. Carol shares some of her favorite aspects of the just-finished National Poetry Month, and notes (via The Book Chook) that Australia has declared a National Year of Reading (the Reading Superheros submitted by kids are fabulous). She also has the scoop on the Hans Christian Anderson award winner.
A few other events worth noting:
- The April Carnival of Children's Literature is up at A Curious Thing.
- MotherReader has announced the date for this summer's 7th annual 48 Hour Book Challenge (June 8-10). This event is not to be missed by book lovers!
- May 7-13 is Children's Book Week. The winners of the 2012 Children's Choice Awards will be announced. In honor of Children's Book Week, Sylvan Dell will be offering all 70 eBooks on their site license free all week long.
- Scholastic just launched their 6th annual Summer Reading Challenge.
- American Girl just announced their 2012 Read-a-palooza. Read-a-palooza provides girls with fun literacy-related activities. In addition, Read-a-palooza will be contributing to Save the Children through a book purchase donation from May 1 through September 3.
Also in the roundup at Quietly, some great links about summer reading, kids' digital media products, and STEAM exploration (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Not to mention a link to a contest to win a Skype classroom visit from Judy Blume, and some fabulous book trailers. I hope you'll click through for all the details.
Carol, Terry, and I will be back mid-month with more children's literacy and reading news (we've already got some great stuff lined up). Thanks for reading, and for caring about children's literacy!
Read-a-palooza provides girls with fun activities and incentives to inspire them to keep their reading skills sharp and encourage engagement in a variety of different literacy activities! In addition, Read-a-palooza will be contributing to Save the Children through a book purchase donation. Starting May 1 through September 3, $1 from every book purchased from American Girl will benefit Save's U.S. Literacy Program.