As I travel about the kidlitosphere, encountering reviews by other bloggers (people I trust, and generally have been following for some time), I take note of those reviews in which it is clear that the reviewer really, really likes the book. I share links to those reviews on Twitter (with hashtag #KidLitFaves) and Facebook and round them up here. Hopefully over time this will become a useful resource. I welcome your feedback!
Picture Books:

Susan Murray at From Tots to Teens recommends Bow-Wow's Nightmare Neighbors by Megan Montague Cash and Mark Newgarden, a 64-page wordless comic book style picture book. She says:
"this book is a perfect introduction to panels in graphic novels, but an experienced reader will also laugh out loud at some of the fun scenes. Bow-Wow's Nightmare Neighbors did a great job of surprising and delighting me. We enjoyed every moment with this book. "

Abby Johnson (aka Abby the Librarian) LOVES children's nonfiction. She is especially pleased with Earmuffs for Everyone: How Chester Greenwood Became Known as the Inventor of Earmuffs by Meghan McCarthy, saying:
"On the surface, this may look like a straightforward biography of the inventor of earmuffs, but Meghan McCarthy takes this book to the next level, investigating why Greenwood is credit with the invention and explaining how easy it is for facts to be lost or misinterpreted in history."

Tiffa at The Picture Book Review adores Seaver the Weaver by Paul Czajak and The Brothers Hilts. She says:
"Seaver the Weaver is an inspired and unconventional story of an unusual orb spider who weaves beautiful, original, and highly effective webs... From the dedication to the last sentence, the whole experience of reading this book feels wholly and perfectly complete."
Middle Grade:

I am eagerly awaiting the new Penderwicks books by Jeanne Birdsall, The Penderwicks in Spring. Recently I was pleased to see positive reviews of this book by to of my go-to blogging friends, Melissa Fox from Book Nut and Tasha Saecker from Waking Brain Cells. Melissa said:
"It's a funny book -- the Penderwicks are witty and wonderful -- but it's also one that tugged at my heartstrings and made me cry in the end. It's honest, and simple, and absolutely wonderful."
And Tasha said:
"Birdsall’s writing pays homage to so many great writers, feeling both modern and vintage at the same time. Her writing is funny, wry and immensely comfortable. It’s a joyous mix of stories, chaos and noise. It is the pleasure of old friends and new adventures that you get to share. "

For a recent STEM Friday, Robert Gibson at Wrapped in Foil shared "a fabulous new book from Chicago Review Press", Zoology for Kids by Josh Hestermann and Bethanie Hestermann. She says:
"Anyone teaching a unit on animals will want to have a copy of this book on the shelf for project ideas. Librarians will want to have it as a go-to resource for information on animals and career options for those interested in animals, as well."

Katie Fitzgerald from Story Time Secrets calls Murder is Bad Manners by Robin Stevens (releasing in the US on April 21st) "wonderful". She says:
"The setting is intriguing (like a real-life Hogwarts), the mystery is surprising, but solvable, and above all, the main characters are layered, complex and wholly interesting."

Charlotte Taylor from Charlotte's Library and I share a fondness for some of the same books from our childhoods. So when she compared Wish Girl by Nikki Loftin to Zilpha Keatley Snyder's The Velvet Room, she got my attention. She says:
"Give this to any introverted child who loves quiet places, or to a kid who appreciates being part of nature and making beautiful things! Or give it to a kid who doesn't yet know that these things might be just what he or she needs...."
Young Adult:

Tanita Davis from Finding Wonderland is quite taken with Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman, sequel to 2012's Seraphina. She says:
"And the question on hundreds of young fans minds, fans who waited anxiously (and less than patiently, not gonna lie) the two and a half years for the perfected second book - the question is, "Is SHADOW SCALE worth the wait?"

Karen Yingling from Ms. Yingling Reads isn't much of a personal fan of bleak books. However, she's also a librarian who understands that girls go through a particular developmental phase in which they want to read depressing titles. Hence she was "SO pleased" to find Stronger Than You Know by Jolene Perry, about the recovery of an abused teen, "pitch perfect" for her middle school audience.
Closing Thoughts:
Personally, I am dying to read the new Penderwicks book. I also, from seeing it somewhere, had Murder is Bad Manners already on my wish list. Tanita also convinced me that I really should go back and read Seraphina (which I was able to pick up for $1.99 on Kindle).
Two other notes about these review excerpts:
- If I have quoted from one of your reviews, and you prefer that I not do so in the future, just let me know. No worries.
- The book covers that I have included beside each blurb include my personal Amazon affiliate ID. If you don't want your reviews to be included in future because of this, just let me know.
Please let me know what you think of this new feature!
© 2015 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook. This site is an Amazon affiliate, and purchases made through affiliate links (including linked book covers) may result in my receiving a small commission (at no additional cost to you).