Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Disney Little Golden Book
Literacy Milestone: Making Signs

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: July 10

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this week include Shirley Hughes, book awards, book lists, nonfiction picture books, summer books, the Cybils awards, 30 million-word gap, reading choice, growing bookworms, reading aloud, fathers reading, baseball, writing, schools, and libraries. 


Shirley Hughes is the first winner of the @Booktrust Lifetime Achievement Award - @TelegraphBooks http://ow.ly/PiurV 

Whom To Thank? Considering The Caldecott/Newbery Acceptance Speeches by two-time Newbery Committee member @fairrosa http://ow.ly/Piubd  

Book Lists

Inspiring People From History--A Collection of Picture Books recommended by @frankisibberson http://ow.ly/Ppats  #BookList

Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday: Fascination with nests and eggs | #BookList from @CarrieGelson http://ow.ly/PmpGG 

Summertime Books: Picture Books for A Day at the Beach from @randomlyreading http://ow.ly/PfbxI 

Who knew there were so many? @mrskatiefitz has compiled a #BookList of 12 Picture Books about Frogs & Toads http://ow.ly/PlzBA 

Shoo, fly: @HornBook identifies the latest trend in #kidlit| Flies are everywhere. http://ow.ly/Pfc0K 

Three Early Chapter Books for Readers Gaining Independence, recommended by @cathymere http://ow.ly/PiuHt  #kidlit

Shark Week reading for kids (picture book to YA), a @HornBook #BookList by Katie Bircher http://ow.ly/PmpbL 

For July 4th: books that explore what it might be like to grow up in Washington DC by @bkshelvesofdoom @KirkusReviews http://ow.ly/PaNlQ 

The Best Books of 2015 So Far, according to @bookriot staff (w/ brief reviews). Includes some #YALit http://ow.ly/PlvKe 

List of the Week @yainterrobang is Queer #YALit Fantasy / Sci-Fi, books by @malindalo @AdamSilvera + more http://ow.ly/PpmbU  

#SummerReading #YALit that's entertaining w/out being fluffy + complex w/out feeling like homework from @BostonGlobe http://ow.ly/PpIPj 


On the #Cybils blog: #BookList Fun: Cybils Authors We Can’t Stop Reading by Jennifer Donovan @5M4B ow.ly/Ppay9 

Events + Programs

Closing the 30 Million-Word Gap | @shbayliss profiles the efforts + upcoming book of @DrDanaSuskind in @sljournal http://ow.ly/Pp8EE  

The Best Way to Keep Kids Reading Over the Summer is to let them choose what they want to read: @FirstBook http://ow.ly/Pisdr 

Writers' New Project Will Send LGBT #YALit to Libraries + Shelters in all 50 states, reports Sarah Selzer @Flavorwire http://ow.ly/PpIhS 

Growing Bookworms

Study says reading aloud to kids, more than talking, builds literacy (rich language) @EdSource http://ow.ly/PplY8  http://ow.ly/PplY9  

Raising Kids Who Love Reading, Devour Books Voraciously, and Practically Beg for a Trip to the Library @DrSuzanneGelb http://ow.ly/Pp7ub 

#RaisingReaders: Give Dad a Turn doing the chapter book read-alouds. Here's @SunlitPages experience: http://ow.ly/PfgMs 

Book Rotation: Organizing and Using Books for Kids, tips from @growingbbb http://ow.ly/PfaHZ 

Fun Ways to Incorporate #Literacy into your Summertime Activities, from Adventures in Literacy Land http://ow.ly/Pf9v3 

Early #Literacy in Everyday Places: Baseball Game by @mrskatiefitz (I also often use baseball to practice math) http://ow.ly/PaNuw 


Satisfy your #kidlit news fix with: Fusenews: [Enter Obligatory Winnie-the-Pooh/James Bond Pun Here] — @fuseeight http://ow.ly/PaO0M 

Where Do You Go to Find Your Reading Community? asks @jennwalker72 @NerdyBookClub (I suggest #KidLitCon) http://ow.ly/PaNyq  

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

Top writing tips for new children's authors from top editors @GdnChildrensBks | e.g. avoid overwriting http://ow.ly/PpmCU  

The English Teacher Who Almost Quit Reading, w/ tips for getting back reading groove by @theVogelman @NerdyBookClub http://ow.ly/PfafZ 


Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children: Jane E. Brody @NYTimes http://ow.ly/PiiKb  

Schools and Libraries

NEA Approves National School Library Study, measuring student access | @Llauren @sljournal http://ow.ly/Pp7Uz  @NEAToday 

How to Break the Rules Gently – Creating Experiences that Protect the Love of Learning | @PernilleRipp http://ow.ly/PlyBp  #teaching

Life After No Child Left Behind, overview by @aliaemily @TheAtlantic via @PWKidsBookshelf #education http://ow.ly/PpIve 

© 2015 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook
