I Will Take a Nap!: Mo Willems
Damage Done: Amanda Panitch

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: July 17

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this week include The Eisner Awards, the Guardian Children's Fiction prize, book lists, diversity, first book, gender, growing bookworms, reading comprehension, Nancy Drew, parenting, reading, schools, and libraries. 


It's a great year for teen #GraphicNovels says @tashrow #kidlit 2015 Eisner Award Winners http://ow.ly/PBqU3

The longlist for the Guardian children's fiction prize announced @GdnChildrensBks #kidlit | Kudos to @CeceBellBooks http://ow.ly/Ps8pP

Book Lists

Some of our faves here: Top 5 meta picture books to teach print concepts - Teddy Kokoros @HornBook http://ow.ly/PFch7

12 Picture Books About Sheep & Goats, a #BookList from @mrskatiefitz http://ow.ly/PFbZu

#BookList from @carriegelson A Year of Nonfiction Picture Books (read in the classroom) Revisited http://ow.ly/PED51

We Are Family: 10 Picture Books About Adoption + Families of All Types by Wendy Falconer Gassaway @NerdyBookClub http://ow.ly/PyY6X

Fun in the Sun | Great Picture Books for Summertime Sharing | @sljournal http://ow.ly/PC0g1 #kidlit #BookList

#kidlit #BookList Recommended Chapter Book Series for Early Readers by the two kids of @ReadByExample http://ow.ly/PyYZw

Fun stuff for new readers! Jean Little Library: Beginning Chapter Books for Animal Lovers http://ow.ly/PyrRu

Celebrate Science: 75 Great Science and Nature Books for Kids Under 6 selected by @mstewartscience via @gail_gauthier http://ow.ly/PsauQ

This week @TesseractViews | #BookList | Unorthodox Princesses in Speculative #KidLit http://ow.ly/PyYKR

Female characters in #kidlit who have stayed with @carriegelson In the world of books: 25 girls who stand out http://ow.ly/PyX8T

These 25 boys, in the pages of the #kidlit books where they live, impressed @CarrieGelson in notable ways http://ow.ly/Ps985

Another @Cybils #BookList! On the #Cybils Blog: List Fun: Middle Grade American Historical Fiction by @DebWatley http://ow.ly/PIOCU 

New YA Fiction about teens who conceal their identities for deception, profit, or human connection| @sljournal http://ow.ly/PC015

Diversity + Gender

To A Happier Year: LGBT Stories for Children, Teens and YA, by Tess Berry-Hart @AwfullyBigBlog http://ow.ly/PFcTC

"Those kids who are hungry for books aren't always going to be straight, able-bodied, white males." @jacobhoodwrites http://ow.ly/PsbLd

"just because a book is reflecting the times in which it was written..." @FuseEight When Clothing Approximates Sexism http://ow.ly/PyqVj

Events + Programs

300,000 Books for Kids from a Rochester School District to Take Home - @FirstBook http://ow.ly/PFdjN #SummerReading

New Nationwide French Festival Encourages Children to Read @PubPerspectives via @PWKidsBookshelf http://ow.ly/PINFS 

JetBlue's Free Book Vending Machines Bring #SummerReading To Kids In Need @HuffPostGoodNews via @PWKidsBookshelf http://ow.ly/PINPf 

Growing Bookworms

"Both grown-ups and children are missing something when there is no reading aloud." The Great Gift of Reading Aloud http://ow.ly/Pyklu

How To Travel With Books! Take them with you, or let them take you on an adventure @JenniBuchanan @ReadingRainbow http://ow.ly/PBqo7

"Stop diminishing children’s literature by commandeering it for teaching purposes." Patron of the Arts @DonalynBooks http://ow.ly/PyWNs

Post w/ link to comprehensive @ReadingRockets article @kateywrites #RaisingReaders Monday: Fluency Makes it Fun! http://ow.ly/Pyptg

3 ideas for fun, active summer book reports @ReadingTub Book Reports - Literacy + Life for Summer • Family Bookshelf http://ow.ly/PyogT

8+ reading comprehension resources that can help you get started with teaching comprehension from @ThisReadingMama http://ow.ly/Ps9E8

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

"The campfire story of the reading world" | Why I Will Never Stop Reading Picture Books with My Kid @ReadBrightly http://ow.ly/PFbkm

Does reduction in picture book word counts Pander to or Presume Shorter Attention Spans? @ehbluemle @PublishersWkly http://ow.ly/PEBJw

Nancy Drew ghostwriter Mildred Wirt Benson flew airplanes, explored jungles, + wrote hundreds of kids' books. http://ow.ly/PEvi6 @slate

So true about Knuffle Bunny Free! One Weird Trick Any Kids' Book Can Use to Make Parents Cry @slate @pwkidsbookshelf http://ow.ly/PIO75 

Teens relate to characters @GdnchildrensBks Dystopia is done, fantasy is finished: why realism is on rise in #YALit http://ow.ly/Pylhq

"Documenting (what we read) is like carefully preserving a key ... to knowing more about ourselves" @NerdyBookClub http://ow.ly/Psa0L

The #Kidlit Swap Method: Children’s Literary Equivalents of Popular Adult Titles — @fuseeight http://ow.ly/PIOMw 


How to talk to kids about prejudice w/ the help of 12 favorite books (+ general tips) from @coolmompicks via @tashrow http://ow.ly/PsaPm

Food for thought for parents from Jane E. Brody @NYTimes How to Cut Children's Screen Time? Say No to Yourself First. http://ow.ly/PBnhu

"We need to be intentional about making space for family time." The benefits of slow parenting - The Boston Globe http://ow.ly/PyjqM

Schools and Libraries

"Early exposure to STEM ... supports children’s overall academic growth" @lisagkropp Surprise—It’s STEM for Toddlers! http://ow.ly/PC1ea

Making Learning Visible: Doodling Helps Memories Stick | Katrina Schwartz @MindShiftKQED http://ow.ly/PFbPy

Brooklyn Public Library’s Texting Initiative, sending texts to parents w/ ideas for Early #Literacy | @sljournal http://ow.ly/PC1vO

© 2015 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.
