#JoyOfLearning Articles from @LGoodman222 + @easycda + @ValerieStrauss on #Play, #Math + Imagination
Literacy Milestone: Understanding the Ending to I Want My Hat Back

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: Reading Aloud, #Testing + #Technology in #Learning

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this week include Bank Street Book Awards, the Cybils Awards, book lists, growing bookworms, coding, reading aloud, science fiction, kidlitosphere, foxes, introversion, parenting, play, technology, education, schools, libraries, STEM, writing, and testing. 


Jon Agee and Mara Rockcliff Win Prestigious Bank Street #Awards http://ow.ly/4naLva  @sljournal @bankstreetedu  #kidlit

Book Lists

From @HornBook A Purple #BookList http://ow.ly/4mZLqk  #PictureBooks + Primary Grades

14 Books to #ReadAloud to a 2nd Grader (or similar listening age) @momandkiddo http://ow.ly/4n4NId  @elockhart + Roald Dahl + more

Little Detectives: #Mystery Books for 6- to 8-Year-Olds http://ow.ly/4naTHd  @denabooks @ReadBrightly #kidlit

Reading Allowed: Ten Compelling Middle School #ReadAlouds by Maggie Bokelman http://ow.ly/4n4Kwt  @nerdybookclub #kidlit

A Tuesday Ten: #ScienceFiction Pathway VI (12-15 year olds) http://ow.ly/4n8fNX  @TesseractViews From Ender's Game to Jenna Fox + more


Today on the #Cybils blog, an interview with Victoria Jamieson, author of ROLLER GIRL http://ow.ly/4n84GR  #GraphicNovels

On the #Cybils blog: #BookList Fun: Ghost Stories for All Ages from @LiteraryHoots http://ow.ly/4ndpEZ  #PictureBooks to #YA

Growing Bookworms

#Reading w/ Little Miss Muffet + Little Bo Peep, April http://ow.ly/4ndpsP  @mrskatiefitz shares audiobooks, mags + more w/ her kids

5 Reasons to Read for Reluctant Secondary School Readers http://ow.ly/4ndsn1  @WordLib @edutopia #Reading makes you smarter


This week's Fusenews: from a literary auction to benefit refugees to @camphalfblood to @100scopenotes http://ow.ly/4napeF  @FuseEight

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

2016 is Foxy — @100scopenotes and @MrBenjiMartin have spotted a new #kidlit trend http://ow.ly/4n4Ntw 

Happy to see recent successes for the #CoverKidsBooks campaign from @MGStrikesBack http://ow.ly/4n4QO8  #kidlit

A version of @susancain book Quiet Power (on #Introversion) is being released for teens. @book_nut has the scoop https://t.co/NiRp2a3mmP


What's Fair + What's Equal: "Don’t play favorites... but kids can handle differences" | Truth! http://ow.ly/4mZLJl  @HeatherShumaker

"Only by feeding the imagination of a child, can we help ... ask the questions that don't yet exist" http://ow.ly/4n878S  @lgoodman222

3 Parent Plans to Create a Strong Writer from @BookChook  http://ow.ly/4ndp8h  GRAB any excuse for #writing + more

Playful Learning

Why Typical Preschool Crafts Are a Waste of Time http://ow.ly/4nar3H  @thescienceofus Avoid the "grown-up cult of productivity" w/ kids

How can We Help Parents Understand the Importance of Messy #Play? http://ow.ly/4n8eRP  @easycda @BAMRadioNetwork "Just let me play!"

#SummerCamp at Home: 10 Budget-Friendly Plans from @momandkiddo  http://ow.ly/4naou6  #play #STEM #SummerReading 

Schools and Libraries

What the “End of Average” (new book by Todd Rose) Means for K 12 #Education http://ow.ly/4mZZ41  @thinkschools @EdSurge via @drdouggreen

The #School Spending Debate: What Difference Does A $ Make? http://ow.ly/4n4TLq  @NPRCoryTurner on when money is most likely to matter

Get Rid of Grade Levels: A Personalized Learning Recipe for Public #School Districts http://ow.ly/4ndoHN  @travislape @EdSurge #EdReform

When Celebrating Learning Differences Is At Heart of #School Culture http://ow.ly/4ndsUe  2 examples from SF @Kschwart @MindShiftKQED


6 Ways to Help Students Understand #Math http://ow.ly/4mZIIa  @MathWithMatthew @edutopia #STEM #EdChat

Not Every Kid Wants to Learn How to #Code notes @pernilleripp http://ow.ly/4ndqst  | What about the kid who just wants to read or write?


Nation's Report Card Says Most High School Seniors Aren't College Or Career Ready http://ow.ly/4naLg9  @anya1anya @npr_ed #NAEP #testing

A Few Thoughts on Standardized Testing from parent + teacher @pernilleripp http://ow.ly/4n86IT  "The test is not fair" to kids, for one

Race + the Standardized #Testing Wars - on growing test fatigue in minority communities http://ow.ly/4n4Rf0  Kate Taylor @nytopinion

Chuck the #Tests - Project Based Learning is Better, including for elementary + middle schoolers says @teachbrooklyn https://t.co/rVjDtgXkoZ

Technology + Learning

How is the brain in your pocket (smartphone) affecting your thinking? http://ow.ly/4n4OW7  @DTWillingham on research to date.

I believe this: Taking Notes By Hand May Be Better Than Digitally, Researchers Say http://ow.ly/4n4LyV  @npr_ed  via @gcouros  #Education

New Study of Impact of #Literacy Apps suggests they can help economically disadvantaged kids w/ #reading http://ow.ly/4namYf  @tashrow

© 2016 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook
