A Tiny Parenting Win re: Reading
Agatha Parrot and the Odd Street School Ghost

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: July 1: Accelerated Learning, #Reading + #SchoolLibraries

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. It's been a fairly quiet week on the blogs, but I do have posts on #BookLists, #PictureBooks, Amazon, Feminist Books, Lois Duncan, Pernille Ripp, playgrounds, reading, Rick Riordan, school libraries, teaching, accelerated learning. 

Book Lists

LouiseAndAndie10 Encouraging Books About Making Friends from @growingbbb  http://ow.ly/1dsL301GyN0  #BookList #PictureBooks

Shape Books that Think Outside the Box #PictureBook Edition @housefullbkwrms  http://ow.ly/JLmi301JboZ  #BookList

On the #Cybils blog: #BooList Fun: #Diverse Cybils #PictureBook Finalists, list by Katie @thelogonauts http://ow.ly/AJaV301OHVb 

The Ultimate #SummerReading List for 6- to 8-Year-Olds (w/ nice #diversity) by @olugbemisola  @ReadBrightly http://ow.ly/2Au2301OhmO  #kidlit

TheodosiaRoundup of the @camphalfblood series + read-alikes from Jennifer Wharton http://ow.ly/JlGR301Gyhx  #kidlit #mythology #fantasy

11 Books Every Feminist Read Growing Up http://ow.ly/PrZ8301C4IQ  @bustle via @tashrow #StrongGirls #Matilda #PippiLongstocking

Top Ten Titles That Promote Summer Fun by @jdsniadecki @nerdybookclub  http://ow.ly/RlII301GzgH  #kidlit #nonfiction #poetry

This #BookList @sljournal  caught my eye: 11 #YA #Thrillers That Would Make Lois Duncan Proud http://ow.ly/wJNB301JG63 

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

BeaverIsLostBeautiful! An Illustrated Guide to the Best Places to Read w/ Children, Elisha Cooper @ReadBrightly http://ow.ly/CLwP301OONe  @PWKidsBookshelf

Fun! Braking for Books: @HMHKids Kicks Off Curious World Tour to encourage #SummerReading + #Play http://ow.ly/QkDq301OO3A  @PublishersWkly

Love it! How Being A Book Nerd As A Child Turned Me Into A Better Adult, Averi Clements @bustle http://ow.ly/P1Kb301OOw9  via @PWKidsBookshelf

"Reading is NOT answering questions at end of a passage" + lots more in: What #reading is not by @profesornana  http://ow.ly/oLRA301M4NY 

A plan for giving books that time they deserve: READ, REFLECT, REACT by @Kateywrites  @nerdybookclub  http://ow.ly/v6Is301JaNd  #Reading


Redefining playgrounds: "Play should be imaginative, it should have some element of controlled danger" http://ow.ly/EFMZ301Ogjn  @BostonGlobe

Schools and Libraries

PassionateLearners"What if every decision we made (as teachers) was centered on what is best for students" asks @pernilleripp https://t.co/eUVECmn9bi

.@amazon Unveils Online #Education Service (marketplace w/ free lesson plans, etc) for #Teachers @nytimes https://t.co/Pw5y1Nsk3q

Trend Alert: More #SchoolLibraries Staying Open all Summer, sometimes giving books away  @sljournal  http://ow.ly/DwvB301JFAG 

Why Don't #Schools Accelerate More Students? @PeterMDeWitt @educationweek  http://ow.ly/MQtF301LLhd  via @drdouggreen

Will homework disappear in the age of blended learning? 3 examples from @cliffcmaxwell @ChristensenInst http://ow.ly/LvFM301OJFw  @drdouggreen

© 2016 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook
