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Posts from May 2018

Tips for Parents to Encourage Kids' #SummerReading

I recently wrote an article for my daughter's school website with tips for parents on how to encourage summer reading. I'm sharing a lightly edited version of that article here:
Do you want to encourage your children to read more this summer? Here are a few suggestions: 
SummerVacation1. Let your kids choose what they want to read. Do you enjoy reading a fast-paced thriller when you're on an airplane, or a thick romance novel while you are sitting by the pool? Great! How would you feel if your spouse was badgering you to read something more intellectual, something that would help you to improve yourself in some way? You would most likely be resentful, and you might well turn to perusing Facebook on your phone instead. Just like adults, kids deserve, especially during the summer, to read what they enjoy. Please try to resist the urge to steer them towards classics, or books that you liked as a kid, or books that you think will give them a leg up in school in the fall. It's fine if they WANT to read those books, of course. You can certainly offer them as options. But let them choose.
DiaryOfAMinecraftZombieSome specific points about giving kids choice:
  • It's ok if what they choose is above or below their official "reading level". Summer reading is about enjoyment, not AR levels. If a book is too hard for them, they will probably stop. Even if a book seems too easy, there is probably something that they are getting out of it.
  • It's also ok if what they want to read is not a traditional novel, but rather a fact-based almanac, book of comic strips, graphic novel, Minecraft how-to guide, or whatever. Reading is reading. It all counts.
  • Re-reading is also reading. It is very common for kids to read the same book or the same series over and over again. This is not lazy. This is about building competence and enjoyment at the same time. I know adults who re-read Pride and Prejudice every couple of years. That's their choice, and your kids should have that option, too.
Choice is the number one thing that makes kids enjoy reading. If they enjoy reading, they will spend time doing it, and their reading skills will naturally (and painlessly) improve. The best thing parents can do is get out of the way and let the kids choose.
KristysBigDay2. Make sure plenty of books and other reading materials are readily available. Buy books if you can. Subscribe to magazines. Go to the library every week and just spend time there, letting your children read whatever they like. Look online for the closest Little Free Library and make a visit. Go to garage sales. If your child becomes obsessed by a particular series, buy or borrow the next book, and the one after that. Keep books in your child's room, on the kitchen table, in the car, and in the bathroom. Take them with you on trips. Kids won't read them if they aren't handy. But if they have a spare moment with nothing to do and an interesting book is nearby, magic can happen.
3. Speaking of spare moments, make sure there are spare moments if you can. Kids who are busy with organized activities all day long and who are on their tablets all evening won't have a lot of time to read. Providing some unstructured time creates opportunities for reading. Limiting screen time is also important for many kids. Tablets tend to suck them in, and if you let them, they will spend all day watching videos or playing games. If you want them to spend time reading, it's necessary to pry the screens from their hands at least some of the time. It also helps if they sometimes see you put down your phone to read a book or a magazine.
Choice, access, and time are three key ingredients for a summer of reading. If you can provide all three to your kids, you will likely be pleased with the results. And you will be giving them a gift that can last a lifetime.
For more suggestions for parents on encouraging summer reading, this is an excellent recent post by Pernille Ripp, a teacher and advocate for kids' enjoyment of books: .
If you need book ideas for your kids this summer, here are a few suggestions:
  1. Check out the book lists for the 2018-2019 BookLists from America's Battle of the Books, a reading incentive program in which our school participates. There are separate lists of 20 titles each for rising 3rd-4th graders and 5th-6th graders that we use, with lots of great choices, classic and new. As a bonus, if your school participates, your kids' friends may be reading the same books, and they can discuss them together. The booklists are available to anyone, though to participate in the program's quiz show aspects, purchase of the questions is required.
  2. Another great source of themed book lists is the blog What Do We Do All Day. Erica has posted dozens of book lists with specific titles like Perfect Summer Read-Alouds, Diverse Early Chapter Books, Non-Boring Poetry Books to Make You Love Poetry, and lots more. Go to for an index. There is something there for everyone. [Of course there are MANY other excellent sources of themed and age-appropriate book lists, but that's a topic for another post. Or see the BookLists section of my weekly Twitter link roundups.]
  3. Ask a librarian for help. Librarians know what kids are reading, and will be able to suggest books that you would never think of on your own.
  4. Consider organizing a book swap or a book club for your child and his friends. Kids often take recommendations from one another seriously, so this is a great way to get them reading.
Next week I will share some detail about how I am specifically preparing for my daughter's summer reading. Stay tuned... 
© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.  

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: #ReadingChoice, Mysteries, #SummerReading + Vanity License Plates

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. It's a bit of a light week because I was traveling for work, but I do have a few links for you on: #BookLists, #mysteries, #ReadAloud, #SchoolLibrarians, #SummerReading, reading choice, schools, and teachers.

Top Tweet of the Week

Flood"I don’t censor the books my children read. I think they’ll be stronger for it" says | I agree with her.

Book Lists

for puzzle lovers, a from | to to

The Best Books for According to My Students 2018, a from


Today on the blog: Interview with Dori Hillestad Butler author of winner KING & KAYLA AND THE CASE OF THE SECRET CODE


Finding before they're : A Guide For , + from Kelly Jensen

Growing Bookworms / Summer Reading

PassionateReadersOn Summer Checkouts | Some ideas from on how could help ensure access to books for kids over the summer

Why to Kids Helps Them Thrive, w/ tips for making the most of together -

A request to from | Don't make end of year rewards about meeting some numeric goal. Celebrate each student's growth; the things they are proud of

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

Book-Related Vanity License Plates | Now I want one


RaiseAnAdultIt is time to bring back the for teens. Here's why + tips for finding one. | quotes (one of my top recommended books for )

Schools and Libraries

How 100 low-income students meet goals of heading off to by | Way to go Cristo Rey Jesuit High School

Frontloading: The Great Equalizer – ctkreider | Providing w/ information before helps prepare them to learn, regardless of background deltas

Another unsurprising study: Nearly all spend own money on school needs

Literacy-essentialsIs joy the main event at your school? asks , w/ summary of ideas from new book by |

Fewer Suspensions, More ‘Hugs and Bubbles’: Oklahoma City’s Experiment in School Discipline -

U.S. State of the Union from | # of school librarians down 19% since 2000 / profession is evolving in different directions

Two studies point to the power of - relationships to boost - | platooning may be harmful, while looping is beneficial

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.

Literacy Milestone: Recognizing Publishers

LiteracyMilestoneAThis weekend my daughter demonstrated another one of those milestones that's probably more about becoming a book reviewer than about becoming a reader. But I appreciated it. We were in the car, driving to Napa. Knowing that we would have a long car ride I had purchased some new graphic novels for her, a couple of them sequels. (I hid them away until right before the trip, because they would otherwise not have lasted.) 

BePreparedShe had those and some other favorites with her and was reading away peacefully enough. She suddenly remarked "I know why I like Zita the Spacegirl and Star Scouts and Be Prepared. They're the same." I asked, dubiously, if they were from the same author. She said, "No, they're all from First Second."

And there you have it. She can recognize the common publisher of a number of her favorites. She then suggested that I should be trying to receive review titles from First Second. I explained that I'm not actually much of a graphic novel reviewer. But perhaps what I should have told her is that she should start her own blog. Then she can focus on reviewing graphic novels to her heart's content.  

Thanks for reading, and for growing bookworms. 

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: May 18: #SchoolLibrarians, #SummerReading, #RosieRevere + #Math

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this week include #BookLists, #Coding, #CommonCore, #Curiosity, #DiverseBooks, #PBL, #SchoolLibrarians, #ScreenTime, #SummerReading, #testing, publishing, schools, teaching, and #RosieRevere.

Top Tweet of the Week

How Will Save the World by | Josh says we need to give them tools to teach |

Book Lists

TenNineEightBest Toddler Books (Books I Wish I Was Still Over and Over), a from | Most of these were faves in my house, too

Explore Your World: 30 Mighty Girl Books About Outdoor Discovery from to for about

Perfect Summer Kids and Parents Will Adore, from | My family is listening to right now |

Jasmine-toguchi-200x30020 Books for Young Readers To Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month & Year-Round | via

32 Titles for Every Day of Asian Pacific American History Month & Beyond | via

Some appealing titles here: A Top Fifteen List of in & Fantasy by |


VincentTheoOn the Blog: Interview with , author of Sr. High Winner VINCENT + THEO from

Events, Programs and Research

May Have Killed the Cat, But It Makes the via reviews recent study + shares tips for creating a culture conducive to curiosity at

Study concludes that Learn Less When They Sense Teacher Hostility - | snide remarks + sarcasm are a barrier to

Growing Bookworms / Summer Reading

I love this: 5 Great Places to Stash Books Around Your Home to Encourage by Lindsay Barrett

RT @KayeNewtonBooks: Reigniting a Passion for Summer Reading (and through out the year) !

20+ Engaging Ideas from | activity calendars, superheroes, challenges + lots more

The summer conundrum: Fight , or give the kids a break? - Andrea Orr | | Personally I vote for the break but w/ plenty of

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

QuestioneersNew adventures await literary heroine (+ Ada Twist + Iggy Peck) as + launch series

A Salute to the Reprints from | Here’s to Getting A Second Chance in 2018

What are the ingredients of a universally appealing early fiction series? By

Schools and Libraries

How to Really Thank a by | Vote for politicians who believe in funding public , give teachers livable wages + resources

Can Change Measures of Success by Focusing on Meaningful Work Instead of Test Scores? | Amadou Diallo |

Supporting a real no-brainer | Studies show they impact student , espec. for students of color from disadvantaged neighborhoods

Poverty & Reading: The Sad and Troubling Loss of and Real Librarians + how it hurts kids in poor

The Anger Don’t Feel Comfortable Expressing, + some suggestions for calming that "ill-tempered beast"

Social Media and Screen Time

"Let’s find ways to work alongside (our kids) as they work to develop healthy, positive, and balanced habits" re: says


CommonCoreDummiesWhere "successful education starts; w/ adults who know what questions to ask + who have the skills to help children discover their own solutions

Teen entrepreneur thinks Aussies are overstating the importance of + should focus on softer skills like | via

In Op-Ed, argues that should stop encouraging kids to take + focus on things like + instead

16+ Outdoor Summer Activities for Kids, a roundup of ideas from blogs, etc. by

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.

Growing Bookworms Newsletter: May 16: #HarryPotter, Notebooks, and Post-It Flags

JRBPlogo-smallToday, I will be sending out a new issue of the Growing Bookworms email newsletter. (If you would like to subscribe, you can find a sign-up form here.) The Growing Bookworms newsletter contains content from my blog focused on growing joyful learners, mainly bookworms, but also mathematicians and learners of all types. The newsletter is usually sent out every three weeks.

Newsletter Update:  In this issue I have three literacy milestone posts and three posts with links that I shared recently on Twitter. The milestones are about reading the first Harry Potter book (on her own), keeping notebooks everywhere, and using post-it flags to highlight books. 

Reading Update:  In the last three weeks I finished one young adult and six adult titles. I read/listened to: 

  • LongLongSleepAnna Sheehan: A Long, Long Sleep. Candlewick Press. Young Adult Dystopia. Completed May 5, 2018, on Kindle. This is the first YA book in some time that has really grabbed me, and that I didn't want to put down. There was just enough mystery to keep me guessing, and some interesting (if dark) predictions for the future direction of the world. 
  • Jacqueline Winspear: To Die but Once (Maisie Dobbs). Harper. Adult Historical Mystery. Completed April 26, 2018, on MP3. I adore these books, and this one was no exception. I really care what happens to all of characters in Maisie's world who are imperiled by WWII (especially the young men). 
  • Angela Marsons: Silent Scream (D.I. Kim Stone, No. 1) Bonier Zaffre. Adult Mystery. Completed April 28, 2018, on Kindle. This UK-based mystery was a bit dark, but did keep me guessing. 
  • Yong Zhao: Reach for Greatness: Personalizable Education for All Children. Corwin. Adult Nonfiction. Completed May 1, 2018, on Kindle. Zhao has some interesting ideas about the problems with our one-size fits all, focus on the gaps instead of bringing everyone up system of public education. But I'm not sure that his conclusion about personalizable education are realistic. I found a lot of passages to highlight, though, and do intend to go back and give these ideas another look. 
  • Dana Stabenow: A Fatal Thaw (Kate Shugak, #2). Berkley. Adult Mystery. Completed May 2, 2018, on MP3.
  • Dana Stabenow: Dead in the Water (Kate Shugak, #3). Berkley. Adult Mystery. Completed May 6, 2018, on MP3. I'm enjoying this series, but am ready for a break for a while after listening to three of the books in a short time. 
  • Victoria Thompson: Murder on Union Square (Gaslight Mysteries). Berkley. Adult Mystery. Completed May 15, 2018, on MP3. I like this series, but found this installment a bit slow-paced. The team members spend a lot of time sitting around together, updating each other on what they've learned, and I found my attention wandering a bit as I listened. 

SecretBookSconeI'm currently listening to The Secret, Book & Scone Society by Ellery Adams, the first book in the new Miracle Springs, North Carolina series. On my Kindle I'm reading No Life But This by Anna Sheehan and also The Self-Driven Child by William Stixrud and Ned Johnson. I have many samples stored up on my Kindle, and many print books stacked up on my nightstand, but reading time has been at a premium of late. Someday... I am still reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with my daughter. We are up to Valentine's Day, and she continues to be utterly immersed in the world of Hogwarts. 

AFineDessertMy daughter and I spent some quality time at the public library this weekend. She read a stack of Berenstain Bears easy readers to herself, asked me to read her a favorite picture book that she spotted on the shelf, and then checked out ten new graphic novels. Since then, it's been hard to get her out of the car, or to finish getting dressed in the morning, because she is immersed in the new books. But certainly worth it!

I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up my daughter's list of books read, because she usually doesn't tell me when she finishes something. I will find stacks of picture books on the floor or her room, or see her re-reading some graphic novel or other in bed, but I'm not really sure what she's actually finished. My gut feeling is that trying to pin her down for the purposes of documentation might take away some of her delight in reading the books. So I am letting it go. I'll try to log all of the library books when we return those, at least. 

Thanks for reading, and for growing bookworms!

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook

Literacy Milestone: Reading the First Harry Potter Book

LiteracyMilestoneAThis is as much a cultural milestone than a literacy milestone, I think. But my daughter was so, so, so excited and proud the other day when she finished reading the first Harry Potter book on her own. I must admit that I was a bit skeptical when she told me that she was reading it at school for her D.E.A.R. book. I thought it would be a bit advanced for her - she has abandoned a number of middle grade titles this year (with my full support - she wasn't ready for them). 

HarryPotterBook1But I think that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone held some advantages that helped her to persevere:

  1. I had already read it to her.
  2. She had seen the movie at least once (and the movie is quite true to the book).
  3. I am currently reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix aloud to her.
  4. She is passionately interested in the world of Harry Potter. 
  5. The book was always handy. She had a copy in class (from her classroom library), a copy in her bed (my copy), and a third copy downstairs, from a Gryffindor-themed set that my husband bought us for Christmas. Interestingly, she didn't read from the illustrated edition, which we also have. 

All of these other experiences with the Harry Potter universe provided her with plenty of scaffolding. I think that helped her to get through what would otherwise have been a challenging read. And, of course, when a child is passionately interested in a book, she will often find a way to get through it, even if it is a above her so-called reading level. 

I don't think that she's going to be racing through the other six books any time soon, though I do expect that she'll be working on Book 2 this summer. My hope and expectation is that she is young enough (at just 8) that she will want me to read books six and seven to her before she reads them herself. Because I am really enjoying sharing the books with her. 

Incidentally my favorite response to this milestone came from a friend on Facebook, who wrote: "My 9 year old read this over my shoulder and started clapping for her." This nine year old doesn't actually know my daughter, but that doesn't matter. There's a bond between fans that transcends distance. 

Where were you when you finished reading the first Harry Potter book? Do YOU remember? 

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: May 11: #Curiosity, #Treehouses, #SummerReading + #TeacherAppreciationWeek

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this week include: #BookAccess, #BookLists, #curiosity, #Cybils, #DiverseBooks, #FourTendencies, #GraphicNovels, #Homework, #KidsNeedBooks, #literacy, #nonfiction, #ReadAloud, #SchoolChoice, #SchoolLibraries, #SocialMedia, #SummerReading, #parenting, and #schools.

Top Tweet of the Week

Fabulous 8th Grade Reading - Perfect for (focused on contemporary ) from

Book Lists

HotHotRoti2018 List for Grades PreK-8 | | There's a webinar on 5/16 to discuss

In the Classroom: Gateway and the Nonfiction Continuum | tips and from

I just downloaded a bunch of these as samples for potential : Witness, Murder, Killer: 13+ Mystery Titles for Ages 13 and up | from


SpillZoneOn the blog: Interview with + Alex Puvilland, authors of winner SPILL ZONE from


The Diversity Gap in Children’s Book Publishing, 2018 (narrowing but still large) |

RT @Reason: The liberal media's answer to ideological diversity concerns: ban conservatives, hire socialists

Research Summary: is Related to Greater College grads on both sides of the political spectrum are less tolerant of their political opponents than are people w/ less education

Events, Programs and Research

Author writes about how she (inspired by ) kicked off a movement that's resulted in stacks of books going to various

ScholasticSummer2018RT @ScholasticEd: The Scholastic Challenge starts today! Read more about how educators, public librarians and community partner organizations can help kids keep reading all summer long:

Appreciate Every Day, Not Just on One Special Week urges | is a noble calling

A recent NYU Steinhardt study shows that access to books remains a significant barrier to with children, but free book vending machine program helped some via

Dawn Finch urges participation in the campaign | Goal is for every UK schoolchild to have access to a great library + professional librarians

GardenerCarpenter Is a New Power in - In developing , scientists are starting to look to children for inspiration

by others is extremely effective – a new study tested a key reason why: retrieval practice –

is key to early childhood success in and , especially for kids from poorer communities, according to new study

What About ? – agrees w/ that kids are more alike than different in how they learn

Growing Bookworms

MissSpidersTeaPartyLessons from Listening to Toddlers by Meghan Rose | They show memorization, ability to follow a

"And, here’s a big truth: The root of the big decline in a love for reading (by kids) is us, specifically the English Teacher" w/ suggestions for change | via

Creating Joyful Plans by | , partnerships, + more


FourTendenciesI have found learning about 's fascinating + illuminating. Here's an overview in : How These 4 Different Personality Types Find Motivation

These for Grown-Ups described in are awesome! I especially liked the one with a area

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

Storytelling Goes Graphic | Analysis of the boom via

Some interesting tidbits in Morning Notes: The Places You’ll Forget Edition — + more


Tips on helping talk to students about + boost their development, w/ strong sample questions | Max Brand

Schools and Libraries

TwiceExceptionalWhy So Many Gifted Yet Struggling Students Are Hidden In Plain Sight | Interview w/ +

Excellent piece: The Problem With Hurrying Childhood | "Kids should like school" + we should honor their growth

Interesting piece on how limitations from can trickle into , limiting student + hence enjoyment of

How to Plan and Implement In | has some ideas |

Trump Has Hurt Support for , But It Remains Popular, Survey Finds -

One Ohio 's Approach to Bad Behavior and Trauma - Katherine Reynolds Lewis | helping kids to manage "overwhelming feelings and control their impulses"

Some thoughts from on how the US should be Appreciating | | Respect, income commensurate w/ work / + resources

Social Media

BigDisconnectThe Teenage Trap - For some kids, hyper-vigilance that they maintain online is anxiety-producing | Jennifer Breheny Wallace


Challenge Your Kids to Try Something New this Summer | the K-12 Game-a-thon asks kids to design a to solve a problem

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.

Literacy Milestone: Post-It Flags in Books

LiteracyMilestoneAThe other day my daughter demonstrated a milestone of the serious book reader: the need to flag a particular passage so that she can find it again. We are a little more than halfway through Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (we usually only read it for 20 minutes a day during breakfast). We came to the scene in which Cho wanted Harry to ask her on their first date, to Hogsmeade for Valentine's Day. Cho's goal was obvious to my daughter, at just eight. Harry, however, was totally clueless.

HarryPotterPhoenixMy daughter found this scene HILARIOUS. She immediately grabbed for a post-it flag, scribbled "down" on it, and placed it at the top of the passage. Then when a line near the end of the scene was especially funny, she added a second marker there. 

She has, of course, seen me sprinkle books liberally with post-it flags for years. She has started encountering my old markers as she reads books on her own (the first Harry Potter book, e.g.), and she'll sometimes ask me why I flagged something. But this is the first time I can remember her excitedly marking a scene on her own.

She probably has a future as a book reviewer, should she choose to accept it. [Shades of Charlotte's son, who has grown up with the Cybils in his household, and eventually became a judge, too.] Do other people's children use post-it flags to mark passages? 

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: May 4: #StarWarsDay, #SummerReading, and #Reading + #Writing Interactions

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics for this Screen-Free Children's Book Week Star Wars Day include: #BookLists, #CBW18, #ClassroomLibraries, #DiverseBooks, #GraphicNovels, #math, #parenting, #play, #reading, #SchoolLibrarians, #ScreenFreeWeek, #SocialMedia, #STEM, #SummerReading, #SummerSlide, #testing, #writing, child development, education reform, happiness, Jo Boaler, learning, and skills development.

Top Tweet of the Week

12 tips for building a beautiful | "Work w/ your students to develop a list of recommended reads" + more

Book Lists

LMNOPeas24 Must Have Books for Babies (7-12 Months), a from

Diverse : Early (7-10 Year Olds) - from

Humor Hooks Readers: recommendations from the Bay Area Book Fest via

10 Books That Will Help You UP Your Classroom! by

AmalUnboundSouth Asian 2018 – Part 2: Novels | | "by a author, contains a South Asian Main Character, or involves South Asian culture"

Castles, Wands, and Unicorns: 15+ Fantasy Titles for Ages 8-12 | kicking off some from

Book Awards

Congratulations to for winning the 2018 Award for AFTER THE FALL | Announcement at  [Amazon link to After the Fall]

Today on the blog: An Interview with Renée Watson , author of winner PIECING ME TOGETHER  [Amazon link to Piecing Me Together]

Diversity + Gender

CItyOnTheOtherSideA paean to the great girls of 's from + why they are a wonderful opportunity for boys, too |

Silences Stories - on the need for +

Study: Colleges that have gone "test optional" (SAT/ACT) enroll a higher proportion of low-income + 1st gen + more from backgrounds

Events + Programs

Saturday is | interviews Day Founder

MayTheFourthThis Friday (today) is Star Wars Day: May the 4th Be With You | | thinking we should plan to watch movies all weekend, despite it being

The 99th annual Children's Book Week is April 30th to May 6th! What book are you reading to celebrate? | Find bookmarks + more here:

Ideas for Australia's Children’s Book Week in August 2018 from Most can apply for US too |

April 30-May6 is also Screen-Free Week

Growing Bookworms

How to Assess Skills Without Knowing the Book They Are Reading by | "Kids need relevant reading experiences that ... also help them grow or protect their love of reading."

The Real Reason to Read Children’s Books – 's students say her "matters because it shows that she cares about us"


For thoughts from on some recent + misc. news, see The Return of Five & Dime Friday: my five cents | Origami pasta that folds itself?

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

GoldenCompassIn Praise of Childhood Favorite Books, even those that lose their magic when you re-read as an adult (Inc. + for Laura Sackton )

No Surprise To , But It’s Nice To Have Evidence: Study Finds That Students Improve Their By |

9 Ways & 'Feed' One Another From Birth

2018 "may be the best year ever" says + provides examples

Parenting, Happiness + Play

RaisingHappinessWhy Aren’t Happy | Suggestions from for pushing back on things that make us too busy to enjoy life | Stop "shoulding" on yourself [Amazon link to Raising Happiness book]

"It needs to be understood that and are not two different things. Instead, play and learning work together"

Schools and Libraries

are Rockstar Resources - A reminder from | "School are vital to student learning as early as kindergarten"

Tips from on using in , w/ 3 suggested titles

HowReadingChangedLifeHow helps her plan for their "For me, summer reading is the best kind of reading, and I want my kids to know that feeling too."

Understanding the : Sharing Data with and by |

Dear Administrators – A Few Ideas to Motivate from | "Trust us to be professional", "Help us forge connections" + more

School Improvement Program, driven by things asked for (counseling, etc), Receives Student Buy-In |

How One NYC Is Trying To Transform a serving some of the city's poorest students - lots of reaching out to help w/ problems in community

It's All About the Books | recommends 's new book about how + why to create +

Skills Development

RebelTalentWhen Solving Problems, Think About What You Could Do, Not What You Should Do [Amazon link to Rebel Talent book]

How You Can Raise Robot-Proof Children (kids ready for the jobs of the ) by

High-Paying Trade Jobs Sit Empty, While High School Grads Line Up For University : via | should make kids more aware of different options |

Social Media

Sigh. Recent studies suggest that some are anonymously posting negative things about themselves on , to

5 Tips to Tame Compulsive Checking of during next week's from


Professor Wants Everyone to Love , and focus more on depth than speed –

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.