Tips for Parents to Encourage Kids' #SummerReading
How I'm Preparing for my Daughter's #SummerReading

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: June 1: #Mysteries, #SummerReading, #GrowthMindset + #KidLitCon

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this busy week include #BookList, #DiverseBooks, #Grades, #GrowthMindset, #IdeologicalDiversity, #KidLitCon, #kidsneedbooks, #kidsneedmentors, #libraries, #OwnVoices, #play, #SchoolLibraries, #schools, #STEM, #SummerReading, censorship, growing bookworms, lego, math, mysteries, and reading choice.

Top Tweet of the Week

This is inspiring: A Fifth Grader’s Mission To Save His School’s Librarian |

Book Lists

Ada-Byron-Lovelace14 Books That Connect Students With Valuable Scientists' Struggles |

Books about Inventions and their Amazing Inventors! New

14 Kid-Approved Books for Advanced 1st + 2nd Grade Readers | from , + other great choices

8 Middle Grade for Fans of The Westing Game | |

50 Books for Super from Black Children's Books and Authors blog

If you are in need of a wide variety of suggestions, check out the List of Lists: May 25


On the blog: An Interview with Martin Sandler, author of Jr. High winner The Whydah: A Pirate Ship Feared, Wrecked, and Found


GirlsWhoCodeA Closer Look at 2017 African/African American Books from

RT @UChicagoLaw: "If conservatives and liberals refuse to attend college together... how can we expect to live and govern together?" Matthew Reade '21 (incoming 1L) pens op-ed about how he has benefited from spending time with those who do not share his views.

Events, Programs and Research

The Problem with - | "most students are not employing study strategies that mesh with self-reported learning preferences + the minority who do show no academic benefit"

Octopus AND - + teaming up to help kids learn to love +

Neat outreach program: Library in a Box: Jennifer Wharton assembles curated boxes of books, puts them in locations accessible to underserved families, in hopes of bringing them into the library

RT @RitaPlatt: Let's keep our kiddos reading this a really simple way. Try this experiment with me! Let's see how it goes!

Libraries of the Little, Free, and New Orleans Variety — is helping a highschooler collect books for one in the MS Delta

Mindset theory doesn’t translate directly from kids to adults – telling an adult they are a “hard worker” can backfire says new study –

What's Going On In Your Child's Brain When You Read Them A Story? Study found the most benefit for young kids from listening while looking at pictures (vs. listening only or looking at video)

Growing Bookworms / Summer Reading

Best Programs, Contests + Challenges 2018 per , w/ reminder to skip any that add too much pressure for your child

AllTheAnswersThe Power of Sharing Stories in Stacks | Booktalking + individualized recommendations are key to nurturing readers in via

For – How to Create Great Experiences for All – tips from | "Visit places where books are present" + lots more

How + her 7th graders are making Plans, because " make plans"

This! "Stop killing the magic of books with required " says mom + reader

A dad's lament: "My Kid Won’t Read the Books I Pick Out for Her Anymore"

The results are in: is important for student achievement | | 85% of families involved in 2 studies said free books contributed to kids more

Major milestone: my daughter can read | Mom shares 3 things she's doing now (continuing to to her child, e.g.)

On Being Mindful of the Messages We Send Kids About Their Book Choices

15 Tips for Starting a Lifelong Conversation w/ Kids About Books |

Kidlitosphere / #KidLitCon

RichardPeckThe Children’s Literature Community Reacts to the Passing of — a roundup from

Exciting news from organizers + | We Won a Grant from Tourism Council! Should help w/ bringing excellent keynote speakers

SAVE THE DATE: 2019 in Providence, RI on March 22-23 | has the scoop on why to go:

New post from the blog: Our Latest Attendee List! – | + have a great crew of fans + creators lined up

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

ReturnToGoneAwayThis is fun: Literary Homes I'd Like to Live In, from | Me, I'd add the house from Return to Gone Away by Elizabeth Enright, and several from Zilpha Keatley Snyder

How to combat efforts to at a school: Read, Rise, Resist, Repeat by Kacy Smith


The power of through #play. + work to introduce concept in Malta, reports via

Kids do not spend nearly enough time outside. Here’s how (and why) to change that.

24 Arkansas elementary to expand recess next year in a pilot program via

Don’t rob your kids of outdoors free | "Let your kids be kids. The warm weather won’t last forever, and neither will their childhood. Enjoy both while they last."

Schools and Libraries

Arguments for Multi-Grade Classrooms in Today's | Krissa Mayhew | Preparation for adult world, individualized , etc. | Disadvantages not addressed here

Find Public Support as Campaigns for Higher Pay Goes to Voters - +

PowerOfQuestioningWant to Give Up in your or ? Here's How You Can Get Buy-in -

Train Your to Think Like Researchers |Help them to maintain + take risks, says

If Supporting Passion Is So Important, What Do We Do If They Don’t Have Any? guest post:

Trial finds physically active academic school lessons boost pupils’ activity levels and focus –

Why Are the Leaders We Need -


Calculus Is the Peak of High School . Maybe It's Time to Change That - |

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.
