Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: July 20: #GrowthMindset, #Audiobooks, and #IndependentReading
July 20, 2018
Here are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this week include #AndrewLuck, #audiobooks, #BookClubs, #GrowingBookworms, #GrowthMindset, #JoyOfReading, #MarshmallowTest, #math, #reading, #ReadingChoice, #schools, #STEM, #SummerReading, #SummerSlide, independent reading, and self control.
Top Tweets of the Week
I'm delighted to report that after 13 months I finally finished reading #HarryPotter and the Order of the Phoenix to my 8-year-old daughter. It was an excellent experience, from laughter to tears, and I loved sharing it with her. #ReadingAloud to kids! So worth it. [Not a link, but this was quite a much-liked tweet so I wanted to share it here.]
Well this is depressing: Leisure #reading in the U.S. is at an all-time low, per recent study reported in @washingtonpost via @ILAToday | I agree w/ @ritaplatt that this reinforces need to give #students time to read in #school
Book Lists
Multicultural Books for Children: 60+ #BookLists all in one place from @pragmaticmom | #kidlit #DiverseBooks #Diversity #PictureBooks #ChapterBooks
Getting Ready for the First Day of #School Books for #Preschoolers | a #BookList from @growingbbb | #PictureBooks
Diverse Books
Cleveland #CharterSchool Students Lead Initiative To Diversify Local Elementary #SchoolLibraries | @karayorio @sljournal #DiverseBooks #libraries @JackieWoodson
Free Speech + Ideological Diversity
To Get Along Better, We Need Better Arguments - Our polarized #politics keep us from learning from our opponents | @DukeU Prof Walter Sinnott-Armstrong has suggestions @WSJ (+ in his new book) #debate #IdeologicalDiversity
This @washingtonpost #OpEd @DGreenbaum resonated | The #SocialMedia mob is a danger to society - "We are slowly normalizing the policing of speech and opinion. Sometimes overtly, and sometimes through ... intimidation" #FreedomOfSpeeach
Growing Bookworms
How #audiobooks, parental support + an understanding #teacher helped @OnaFeinberg's son go from not to "Kinda A Reader" in 5th grade | @nerdybookclub #GrowingBookworms #reading
Cal running back who loves #reading offers free football tickets to young readers via #SummerReading Challenge @UCBerkeleyNews
"We hear again and again about the power of independent #reading ... So why isn't everybody doing it?" Yes, You Can Find Time says @millerread @ASCD, w/ tips on how
Yes! The Problem With Our Early #Reading Obsession| We need to stop crowding out #JoyOfReading w/ fear-based focus on skills – @mary_teaching | w/ quotes by @pernilleripp + @donalynbooks
Growth Mindset
Let’s Stop Telling Kids to ‘Find Their Passion’ – " the reality is this: most kids are too young to know their passions; it’s just plain unfair to make them" + it breeds #entitlement + #FixedMindset says @paul_emerich
8 #Teaching Habits that Block Productive Struggle in #Math Students | "Praising students for their smarts" + more @MIND_Research | #GrowthMindset #GiftOfFailure #STEM
Kids Today Are Actually More Patient Than Kids 50 Years Ago - Susan Pinker reports @WSJ on re-enactments of #MarshmallowTest #ImpulseControl #psychology
On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing
Too Busy for a #BookClub? Join an Online Version - Did you know about #AndrewLuck's online book club @ALBookClub? They're reading #MixedUpFiles this month
New study suggests that #Audiobooks pack a more powerful emotional punch than film – @ResearchDigest @EmmaELYoung #reading
Schools and Libraries
Revisiting Reagan's 'A Nation at Risk' Report 35 Years Later - Talking about US #Schools is misleading because "the United States does not actually have a national #education system" @Edu_Historian @TheAtlantic
What #SummerSlide Actually Means—and 5 Ways for #Teachers to Help Fight it | @EdSurge | #libraries #Communication + more
Screen Time
Frequent Technology Use Linked to #ADHD Symptoms in Teens, Study Finds - @danielas_bot + @BetsyMorris2 @WSJ | This shows correlation not causation but seems worth further study. Also makes me wonder about increasing #ScreenTime in #schools
Stanford research shows that students (esp. girls + #ELL) do better on tests when elementary school teachers face down their own #math demons — @jandersonQZ @qz @joboaler #STEM
Why Do Women Shun STEM? It’s Complicated says #Engineering Professor @barbaraoakley @WSJ | Professors outside #STEM mischaracterize subjects as not creative + poach bright female students
© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.