Publications for Kids from the US Government Bookstore
Literacy Milestone: A Renewed Affection for Picture Books

Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: October 5: #Cybils Nominations, #IntrinsicMotivation + Freedom to #Read #GraphicNovels

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this week include: #AR, #Booklists, #Cybils, #Diversity, #GenderDifferences, #Giftedness, #GraphicNovels, #GrowingBookworms, #HelicopterParenting, #Homework, #IntrinsicMotivation, #literacy, #Motivation, #ReadingAloud, #ReadingRewards, parenting, reading, and schools.

Top Tweet of the Week

Why Girls Are Better at Than Boys across the developed world. They spend more time , for one thing

Book Lists + Awards

Cybils-Logo-2018-Round450pxThe 2018 Nominations are Now OPEN! | + more

Here are some 2018 Nomination Suggestions in various categories (inc. + ) from Jennifer Wharton, Elem/ chair

15 Superb (many the start of a series) for 2nd Graders | Janssen Bradshaw w/ + more

Diversity + Gender

MissRumphius10 Positive Things about We Need to Show Kids in Books by | Kids "deserve exposure to older and a more accurate of abilities, talents + interests"

New finds: Women and Men Are Equally Bad at | "we think it is fair to conclude that the evidence for the stereotype that women are better multitaskers is, so far, fairly weak"

Giftedness + Motivation

Interesting on Peer effects on . Being observed by peers reduces the tendency of giving up immediately. via

How to help your underachieving gifted child

Some Parents Pay Up to $400 an Hour to Prep 4-Year-Olds for NYC’s Test -

Growing Bookworms

PunishedByRewardsA Closer Look at . "What do, and what they do with devastating effectiveness, is to smother people’s enthusiasm for activities they might otherwise enjoy."

A Notecard Check – A Simple Way to Check whether kids are understanding their books, without adding so much post-reading work that they will hate itself

What can do for who Abandon Every Single Book they attempt by | , + taking the long view on

Your Child’s Excuses, and What They Really Mean | | + more

ReadingTogetherReading Together: Everything You Need to Know to Raise a Child Who Loves to Read by Diane W. Frankenstein (2009) | recommends this as "best of the bunch" on books about books


Lots of interesting tidbits in Fusenews: STEM Girl Fashions, the Death of “Hypothesis”, and More — | My daughter + I love dresses too

Check out the gorgeous + user-friendly new website for , chock full of , + resources like tips for

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

ElDeafoComics and : Honoring All and seeking input from about their use in the from

The straw man in the new round of the wars - shares a response from professor

Parenting + Screen Time

How I Know You Wrote Your Kid’s . "The paradox of the overzealous editing of the college essay by many is that they don’t know what a college essay is really about" JM Farkas

If You Want To Help Your Child's Brain Development, Start When They're Born. Article outlines 5 ways to do it, including of course

Researchers in new study report that the most plausible cause of wellbeing decline in youth is increased |

Schools and Libraries

BeyondMeasureLater start times will help get needed . But they aren't enough. Lawmakers should consider regulating total time spent on via

More schools are nixing because parents say it’s annoying, infringes on time + keeps kids from developing other interests |

Schools: EdPolicy + Funding

Massive study shows face bleak financial future due in part to declining enrollment + rising costs

This is kind of interesting (though I'm not sure about costs): The Case for Adding a Second 2nd Grade to Elementary (to give kids who need it more time to catch up) by

© 2018 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage or at my Growing Bookworms page on Facebook.
