Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: November 9: Picky #Readers, #Thanksgiving #MadLibs + Better School Attendance
November 09, 2018
Here are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this relatively light week include #BookLists, #Bullying, #CivilDiscourse, #GrowingBookworms, #JoyOfLearning, #PictureBooks, #Play, #reading, #ReadingAloud, #ReadingLogs, class size, literacy, parenting, schools, and teaching.
Book Lists + Awards
10 children's books I really, really love reading to my kids | @AshleeCoffeyOWH via @tashrow | #BookList #PictureBooks
Best Books for 7 Year Olds According to a 7 Year Old | #BookList from @growingbbb | #EarlyChapterBooks #PictureBooks #SeriesBooks + tips for focusing on #LoveOfReading
Cybils Season, or how #librarians serving kids can benefit from the #Cybils selections, which blend "high literary merit and kid appeal" from @abbylibrarian #kidlit
Growing Bookworms
The #JoyOfReading | Why #ReadingAloud to your class should happen in every #classroom, w/ tips for doing it well) from @smithsmm #teaching #ClassroomCommunity
What to do with picky #readers. Tips for #parents from @readingtub, ranging from #librarians to #graphicnovels to #audiobooks | | #RaisingReaders #GrowingBookworms
Great read for #parents + #teachers: Let’s Talk About #ReadingLogs Again by @pernilleripp "My biggest issue with reading logs comes from the inherent lack of trust that they communicate" | #JoyOfReading
In Which the 8 Year-Old Questions My #ReadingLog Ethics | #TeacherMom @mary_teaching @HonorsGradU responds to @pernilleripp's recent post. It's all about nurturing #LoveOfReading
#Storytelling and the #AuthorVisit by Dawn Finch @AwfullyBigBlog | What works best as #ReadAlouds?
Tidbits in this week's Fusenews @fuseeight range from #ThePhantomTollbooth to #TheWestingGame to the "Golden Ratio of Sexism in Children's Literature" #kidlit
Parenting, Play + #JoyOfLearning
#Thanksgiving Activity Ideas that Keep Kids (and Grown-ups) Off Screens from @momandkiddo | #parenting #crafts #play
7 Strategies to Keep The Boring Out and Get Kids Interested in #Learning – @MarlaSzwast | written for #homeschoolers but could apply to any #parent nurturing #JoyOfLearning
What the Times got wrong about kids and phones - @anya1anya @CJR via @drdouggreen #ScreenTime #parenting #MediaConsumption
Schools and Libraries
On #Research and the #Teaching of #Reading | "We need to weigh evidence consistently—treating as the same those studies that challenge our deepest beliefs as well as those that are wind beneath our wings" @ReadingShanahan
Despite popularity w/ #parents + #teachers, review of research finds small benefits to small classes - @jillbarshay @hechingerreport #schools #education
Methods for Nudging #Students and Families to Better #School #Attendance - @phylliswjordan @EducationNext @FutureEdGU | #Absenteeism #Communication
A Rant from #MiddleSchool #Librarian @MsYingling on Series Books + the shelf space that long #kidlit series can take up
7 ways to teach #CivilDiscourse to #students by Tiffany Mitchell Patterson @ConversationUS via @MindShiftKQED | #debate #politics
#Learning By Doing: Using the Arts to Enhance #Reading and Stop #Bullying | Guest post by @DivaKWade @ReadByExample
Another Study Finds What Every #ELL #Teacher Knows – Having Students Draw Pictures Helps Them Learn #Vocabulary | @Larryferlazzo
How #PersonalizedLearning Can Support Equity and Excellence - rejecting models that effectively keep below grade level kids from moving forward | @Shalinee_Sharma + Rebecca Kockler @EducationNext
7 Poor Thinking Habits We Must Fix to Think More Critically by @leecrockett > #CriticalThinking #Assumptions + more | via @drdouggreen
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