Links I Shared on Twitter Recently: January 6: #DiverseBooks, #GrowingBookworms, and Alternative Paths to #HigherEd
January 06, 2019
Here are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter over the past few weeks @JensBookPage. I know it's not Friday, but quite a few links piled up over the holidays, and I figured I should go ahead and post. I will probably be back with a short update on Friday. Topics today include #BookAwards, #BookLists, #careers, #Cybils, #DiverseBooks, #FreeRangeKids, #GameAddiction, #GrowingBookworms, #GrowthMindset, #Habits, #intelligence, #introversion, #JoyOfReading, #Learning, #Music, #ownvoices, #parenting, #phonics, #play, #ReadingAloud, #WorldReadAloudDay, schools, and vocational training.
Top Tweet of the Week
The 2018
#Cybils Finalists are Live! This is a great source of high-quality, engaging #kidlit, from #PictureBooks to #YA, #fiction, #nonfiction, #poetry, #GraphicNovels + more
Book Lists
A Dozen of the Best #MiddleGrade #SpeculativeFiction Published in 2018 | #BookList w/ mini reviews from @semicolonblog
The Real Way to Get
#ownvoices Books Into the Hands of Readers (But It’s Not Sexy) — @fuseeight #libraries #BookAccess #DiverseBooks
Ten Ways #Reading New and Diverse Literature Changes Us as #Teachers By Stephanie Affinito and Kris McGee @nerdybookclub | #DiverseBooks #literacy
Here's an invitation from @thereadingtub to participate in the #DiverseKidLit Link Up – January 2019 #DiverseBooks #KidLit
Events, Programs + Research
Save the date: February 1 is
#WorldReadAloudDay, a day to celebrate the joy of #ReadingAloud to kids | @brittsullivan @Scholastic #JoyOfReading @litworldsays
Yes, World #Introvert Day Is Real, and Here’s Why We Should Celebrate It @IntrovertDear | If I could I would celebrate by staying home, talking to no one, and taking no calls.
#Learning #music early can make your child a better #reader | Anita Collins + Misty Adoniou @ConversationUS #LanguageDevelopment
The #Science Behind Making Your Child Smarter - Sue Shellenbarger @WSJ assesses some possible pursuits | interactive #reading w/ kids, working memory training + staying in #school help
Contradiction to a previous article I shared this week, via @NicoleMMcNeil #WorkingMemoryTraining Does Not Improve Performance on Measures of #Intelligence.. Evidence From a Meta-Analytic Review
Growing Bookworms
Reaction and Intention: Rethinking the
#ClassroomLibrary in Early Winter | nudging kids to transition beyond the #GraphicNovel phase by @MaryLeeHahn @ChoiceLiteracy #JoyOfReading
Excellent, comprehensive post from @pernilleripp | Parents: Creating Joyful #Reading Routines at Home | #JoyOfReading #GrowingBookworms #Parenting
One Dad’s #Reading Resolutions for the New Year | @BuildaLibrary @ReadBrightly #GrowingBookworms #JoyOfReading #Parenting
Easy Ways to Get Your Kids to Read More This Year | @ImaginationSoup @ReadBrightly #reading #LoveOfBooks
On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing
On reading goals | "Yes, quantity, and increasing quantity and access to great #reading material matters for all of us, but so does slowing down, savoring text, and actually enjoying the experience" @pernilleripp
Parenting + Play
This piece resonated w/ me: This year, let’s
#parent like it’s 1989 - "We call our country “the land of the free,” yet most children... have no freedom at all" | @WriterAbroad @onparenting
The Age Four Transition to Responsible Childhood | Peter Gray @PsychToday via @LetGrowOrg | #parenting #independence | "Many 12-year-olds today are not permitted the independence that 4-year-olds were permitted until just a few decades ago"
The Relentlessness of Modern #Parenting - @clairecm @nytimes | This article is depressing but certainly rings true
Screen Time
Detecting #Depression: Phone Apps Could Monitor Teen Angst - @LindseyTanner @Bloomberg | #MentalHealth #teens #iGen #Smartphones
How #Fortnite Triggered an Unwinnable War Between Parents and Their Boys | @BetsyMorris2 @WSJ | #ScreenTime #Gaming #Parenting #GameAddiction
Schools and Libraries
Stop Calling It #VocationalTraining - How we speak about #education reflects class prejudice says @virginiafoxx @WSJopinion | Training is for animals, humans receive education
#College Is Only One Option for Kids. How can we emphasize alternative routes? Guest post by @drdouggreen @mssackstein | Referencing @oren_cass + @bencasselman #careers #GrowthMindset
Looking for an Alternative to #College? U.S. Studies German #Apprenticeships - @MHackman @WSJ #HigherEd #Education
#Schools Seen as Falling Short in a Pillar of #Teaching #Reading | @lesliebrody addresses #phonics approach as applied (and not) in NYC
A 2018 federal report found that only 18 percent of the #education innovations funded by the @usedgov lifted #student achievement | @jillbarshay @hechingerreport looks at reasons why this is so hard
Self-Improvement / Growth Mindset / Habits
How to Crush Your
#Habits in the #NewYear With the Help of #Science | advice from @cduhigg, @kellymcgonigal + @JamesClear, compiled by @susan_shain @nytimeswell (via @drdouggreen)
Being Wrong (+ not beating herself up over it) Has Made @arielsacks a Better Teacher - @EdWeekTeacher | #GrowthMindset #learning #teaching via @MindShiftKQED
It’s Two Weeks Until Your New Year’s Resolutions Die Young – Tips from @MarlaSzwast to change your resolution mindset #habits #goals
© 2019 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage.