An Idea from My Daughter Regarding Customized Levels of Homework
The Orchid and the Dandelion: W. Thomas Boyce, M.D.

Links I Shared on Twitter Recently: February 1: Youth Media Awards, 28 Days Later, and Global School Play Day

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this week include #28DaysLater, #ADHD, #ALAYMA, #blogging, #BookAwards, #BookLists, #dyslexia, #Focus, #GrowthMindset, #GSPlayDay, #HigherEd, #Homework, #JoyOfLearning, #literacy, #Play, #SocialMedia, Henry Winkler, parenting, and schools.

Top Tweet of the Week

Mcbd_poster_nameFINAL-791x1024[Last Friday was] Multicultural Children’s Book Day!

Book Lists + Awards

For anyone who somehow missed this, the 2018-2019 Children’s and Young Adult Book Awards were announced yesterday. Here's a nice summary from

12 Books for Toddlers, from

RA RA Read: Laugh 'n' Read, Funny Beginning | from Jennifer Wharton | Funny books are a great way to hook kids on

The 50 Best Books for 7- and 8-Year-Olds to keep them voraciously, per + Meghan Dietsche Goel for

Events, Programs + Research

WRAD2019InstaFINALThis Friday, 2/1, is World Read Aloud Day, when people around the globe together + share stories to advocate for

Celebration Time: The 2019 Honorees for

Very cool! featured 2019! saying "If you write books for young readers, this New England conference is an event you can’t miss." | March 22-23 in RI

Growing Bookworms

BugAndBear“Kindergarteners Need 2 Skills to Be Successful” | shares tips + book ideas for nurturing those skills via |

Can you keep a secret? Teacher describes her observations + interactions with a hidden group of stealthy teen

Higher Ed

How Harvard + Other Universities w/ Large Endowments Hurt Small via dynamics | "a cycle where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer"

Transfers Outperform At Top , So Why Do We Ignore Them?

Learning Differences

HankZipzer Made Feel 'Stupid' For Years. Now, He's A Best-Selling Author | | His books for kids are what he's most proud of

Five Ways to Help Children w/ Develop Their Strengths | | + more

On Reading, Writing, Drawing, Blogging, and Publishing

Reaching a Wider Audience - wants to help + "find amazing children's books and ideas" |

Why Matters | "drawing is deeply entangled with development, but doesn’t often receive the same attention or regard as language"

Parenting + Play

FreedomToThinkI plan to check out the new by w/

through play: what are the benefits? | talks w/ of | Imaginative w/ others (even an adult who does this effectively) helps language acquisition +

Global School Play Day: One Day. Nothing But | | Watch on this important topic

Schools and Libraries

GSPlayDay250 Things to Do Instead of ! - Fun list by for ahead of coming up 2/6

Kinder Prep Frenzy Continued: On | thinks it "seems to involve too much fear, too much short-term, and too much “not-enough-ness.”"

Now That Are Promoting Broader Definitions of Success, How Do We Measure Progress?

Self Improvement + Motivation

DigitalMinimalismIt’s Not Too Late to Quit - shares tips from author on breaking the habit + finding better focus

Getting Ahead By Being Inefficient | In expending extra energy, making , trying new things you develop flexibility + , says

Screen Time

New study reports toddlers who spent more time watching a screen at 2 years old did worse on developmental markers than those w/ less | Authors urge caution for via

Generation Z’s 7 Lessons for Surviving in Our Tech-Obsessed World - | doesn't distinguish online vs. |

© 2019 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage.
