Growing Bookworms Newsletter: April 3: Reading Instead of Blogging Edition
Literacy Milestone: Making a Crossword Puzzle

Links I Shared on Twitter Recently: April 5: A #LiteracyTsunamic, the #STEM #GenderGap, and the Scholastic #KFRR Results

TwitterLinksHere are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this busy week include #Audiobooks, #BookLists, #ChildDevelopment, #ComputerScience, #Education, #FreeRangeKids, #GenderGap, #Giftedness, #GRA19, #GrowingBookworms, #HigherEd, #Homework, #KFRR, #literacy, #LoveOfReading, #phonics, #Play, #ReadingLevels, #ReadingLogs, #Scholastic, #ScreenTime, #STEM, #Writing, and parenting.

Top Tweets of the Week

What Superintendents, Cabinets, and School Boards Need to Know About the (aka ) by |

The : Encouraging Girls to Persist in and , 3 barriers w/ proposed solutions | via , ,

Book Lists

NanetteBaguette5 that remind us to trust kids' development + foster independence in childhood

New -themed : the truly wonderful smattering of and titles for kids out in 2019 that struck as worth knowing

14 about Perspective + Observation, new from

Events, Programs + Research

FrontDeskAnnouncing the Global Read Aloud Choices 2019

Press Release Fun: Casting Call for Creative Kids to participate in new shared by [I checked: you need to be able to go to the New York recording studio to do this.]

by the Books! Highlights and about the recent children's book blogging conference from

Thoughts on why a not normally journal of should think twice before issuing a call for overtly political papers slanted in only one ideological direction, from

What Do Today’s Get Right And Wrong In How They Take Lecture Notes? – | Recent study shows more laptop note-taking, less organizing of notes + less self-testing than optimal


Where do I belong? The gifted person's lament. Challenges faced by gifted kids + teen + tips for parents to help from |

Growing Bookworms

KFRR_Fig3_I find this deeply depressing: New Kids + Family Reading Report shows large drop in both + between ages 8 and 9. Some highlights here [Click image for larger version of graph, source:

Great recap of definitions + resources for parents regarding kids' from Terry + more

Tips from for to help kids who aren't at home (something hard for to control)

Alternatives to (the dreaded) Home/School | Great ideas from coach

Higher Ed

Everything in Can Be Gamed by the Privileged. Eliminating Merit in Admissions Will Only Boost Their Advantage | | We need MORE high-quality education + ways to extend it to low-income kids

This is encouraging: U.S. college students excel in , outscore China, India + Russia |

On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing

SeeYouAtHarrysWhat Good Does It Do To Break A Child’s Heart? by | Books about sad topics can "open minds + inspire thoughtful discussion" + help kids grow

Terry has been posting themed questions each month. Her April questions are: What is (or was) your favorite , and have you created one w/ your kids? | Do share!

Print books still the most popular format. reading has flattened, while are on the rise says recent survey via

Read What You Love Until You Love to Read, eventually you get bored of the simple stuff says | The best way to yourself is to develop a

It's not every day you see driving a political scandal: Baltimore Mayor Takes Leave of Absence Amid Criticism Over ‘Healthy Holly’ Books

Parenting, Screen Time + Play

FreeRangeKidsMaking a Case for Free-Range Childhood | |

I Started Letting My Children Get Bored. Then, Something Amazing Happened | Good stuff from via

Why (in terms of the brain) Trigger the Nightly Meltdown—and How to Help Your Child Cope with shutting down |

One Year as a Free + Not Looking Back – shares her students' largely positive experience (less / , more socializing w/ friends in person instead of on )

Schools and Libraries

To Boost , Just Add Movement, w/ 6 ways to add more movement to instruction |

When You Disagree With Your Child's Teacher (or the policies at the school), What Can You Do? asks fellow | Seems relevant to me re: things like , +

DeeperLearning Doesn’t Have to Be Boring | + visited across the country, found "powerful learning was happening most often ... in electives, clubs + extracurriculars" + where kids get more agency + choice

is Key to Student Achievement. Many schools sap that motivation w/ rewards + punishments. But Schools Can Crush It |

Does Work? hears few regrets from teachers who did makeovers in class, suggests focusing on h/w where it's actually needed for

© 2019 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage.
