Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: May 3: Improving via #Literacy First, Celebrating #ChildrensBookWeek + Assessing #CommonCore
Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: May 10: Books Are Good for Camp Prep, #SummerReading + Winning Jeopardy!

Literacy Milestone: My Daughter's First Author Signing with Raina Telgemeier

ShareYourSmileOn Saturday I took my daughter to her first book signing, for Raina Telgemeier's new book: Share Your Smile. The event was about 45 minutes away, at Towne Center Books in Pleasanton, and by the time we were able to get there, it was PACKED. The line literally went around the outside of the building and and along the sidewalk. The author, understandably, was only autographing one copy of the new book per person and signing one backlist title. And still ... we waited in line for 90 minutes. Pretty sure that's the longest I've waited for an author, and I have signed copies of the Hunger Games ARC and the early Lightning Thief books. But my daughter is a huge fan. Raina's books were among the titles that made her into an  avid reader. So we waited. 

And really, the wait wasn't so bad. The people in line around us were nice. The bookstore staff kept things well organized and the line was always moving. It was a beautiful day. My daughter had time to read both of the books we bought for signing cover to cover while she was waiting. As for me, I was truly heartened at seeing so many kids and parents out there waiting in line on a sunny Saturday to meet an author. The bookstore had put up sheets of paper and provided markers so that the kids would write notes to Raina. They were lovely! The image below is just one section of an entire wall. 


And here's my daughter (well, her book anyway):


We saw Raina after she had been signing for 90 minutes, but she was still gracious and friendly. She offered my daughter a chance to take a photo with her, which we of course seized. Then we browsed the bookstore and bought several other books. We went to lunch, each reading our own book while we waited for our food, and had a lovely time.

But the best part was on the walk back to the car, watching my daughter skipping along chanting giddily: "I met Raina Telgemeier today!" 

I think it's safe to say that she's now (if she wasn't already) a fan for life. My thanks to Raina and to the kind staff at Towne Center Books. This was an excellent stop on our bookworm parent journey. 

Updated to add: Here's a review of Share Your Smile by Johanna Draper Carlson at the School Library Journal blog Good Comics for Kids. 

© 2019 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage
