Links I Shared on Twitter this Week: February 7: #WorldReadAloudDay, Curiosity, and Productive Praise
February 07, 2020
Here are highlights from the links that I shared on Twitter this week @JensBookPage. Topics this relatively light week include #BookLists, #FakeNews, #grading, #GraphicNovels, #STEM, #WorldReadAloudDay, motivation, numbers, parenting, reading, schools, and writing.
Book Lists
2020 #GraphicNovels: An Accounting of Some #KidLit Standouts — @fuseeight | I added some of these to my daughter's wish list
12 #YA Couples for #ValentinesDay – Another timely #BookList from @literacious | For those looking for the perfect gift for a book-loving (+possibly introverted) romance fan ... here's an idea
Events, Programs + Research
I'm a numbers geek + I love this: Today's date 02/02/2020 is written the same backward and forward — for everyone in the world — which hasn't happened in 900 years | @DisrnNews
For #WorldReadAloudDay I finished reading #MyLifeAsAYoutuber by @JanetTashjian to my daughter. We #ReadAloud every morning while she eats breakfast, but it was nice to finish a book today | @Scholastic @CPSLiteracy @litworldsays @MacKidsBooks | What are you reading?
On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing
The Illusory Truth Effect: Why We Believe #FakeNews + Propaganda - when something is repeated enough, our brains take a cognitive shortcut to save energy + start to believe it
How 'Daybooks' Helped Get My Students #Writing - @arielsacks @EdWeekTeacher Getting adolescents to enjoy writing + helping them relax sounds like a win-win to me
Parenting + Play
In an uncertain world, #failure may be best lesson for kids says @DrMadelineL | I'm looking forward to reading Levine's new #parenting book #ReadyOrNot
Schools and Libraries
How I Eliminated (Almost) All #Grading Problems In My Classroom via a student-centered approach @TeachThought via @MindShiftKQED #schools #grades
The Power of Authentic Praise in the Classroom: My Personal Experience by @McKenzieRoss20 @HonorsGradU | What worked in terms of positive, genuine praise focused on the teacher's own feelings (vs. motivation-sapping generic stuff)
‘Schools are killing curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn | @WendyBerliner @GuardianEdu | Study finds asking questions even more important than focus for good school performance
End the “Easy A” - Tougher #grading standards set more students up for success - @SethGershenson shares research @EducationNext confirming that "“everyone gets a gold star” is not a victimless mentality"
© 2020 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage.