#BookwormMoments: The Best (Bookworm) Mommy in the World
The Gift of a Love of Books: Revisiting Gone-Away

Links I Shared on Twitter Recently: April 29: #HomeLearning, Online Resources, Virtual Field Trips + More

TwitterLinksI hope this post finds you all safe and well. I'm doing fine here. However, I haven't been blogging very much lately, as I balance work and family responsibilities. I have continued to read a few newsletters and blog posts, and I've been  sharing links that I think are useful as I find them. Here are highlights from my twitter @JensBookPage.

Topics include #BookLists, #conversation, #DistanceLearning, #HarryPotter, #HomeLearning, #Homeschooling, #IdeologicalDiversity, #JoyOfReading, #MentalHealth, #MTHAdventures, #OutdoorPlay, #Podcasts, #ReadAloud, #RemoteLearning, #SocialIsolation, #StorySeeds, #VirtualFieldTrip, #writing, events, parenting, reading, and research. 

Stay safe and keep reading, my friends!

Book Lists, Podcasts + Online Resources

#PictureBooks About Libraries - This #BookList from @housefullbkwrms has some of our family faves  https://t.co/kA4LJKDpSS?amp=1

Some appealing-looking titles here: #PictureBook Roundup #4 from @abbylibrarian ow.ly/dTWX30qzoOR #BookList

Here's an escapist #BookList that might appeal right now: #YALit Adaptations of Jane Austen Novels ow.ly/DUmT30qzoOB @momandkiddo

7 #Podcasts for Stir-Crazy Kids - @emmdib @nytimes ow.ly/eu8F30qB71T | Topics range from #science to #meditation to #BookClub

I've written about the fun new #StorySeeds #Podcast for Kids before. Now, learn all about it from host @FuseEight inc. new downloadable activity eZines ow.ly/pFUc30qAq3p @LitSafariMedia @DanGutmanBooks

This is neat! Julie Andrews’ New #Reading #Podcast Means Mary Poppins Is Leading #StoryTime - @PureWow ow.ly/Pa6x30qApUC via @TheReadingTub

This sounds fun: new #MagicTreeHouse Home Adventures from @randomhousekids + @MaryPopeOsborne is a virtual program to educate + entertain kids at home w/ videos, activities, crafts + games ow.ly/zNIA30qAE8k #MTHAdventures

This Open #BoardBook by @lorieanngrover is super-cute. It's about what preschoolers can do during #Covid19. See Color Sketches here: ow.ly/qjAj30qzFIV

Events, Programs + Research

It’s Time for a #VirtualFieldTrip to the #EverywhereBookFest! by Anna E. Jordan | @nerdybookclub ow.ly/68eu30qB7RV | Online speakers + panels will feature tons of diverse #kidlit authors + illustrators on May 1-2

Links to #COVID19 Financial Aid For Writers And Artists from @gail_gauthier, who highlights two of special interest to children's authors + illustrators ow.ly/Hy9m30qBqBc #writing #kidlit #EmergencyGrants

My daughter and I donated this week to the @Hicklebees Children's Bookstore & @SCCOE Keep Kids #Reading #BookDrive, which is putting books into hands of students in need during #covid19 ow.ly/ZJU730qyQam

Study finds male teens scored much higher than females on self-assessed intelligence, narcissism, extraversion + life satisfaction. But "there was no gender difference in objective intelligence." ow.ly/gK9j30qB7Ly @ResearchDigest

This is useful, I think. The Right Way to Talk across Divides - research on improving conversational receptiveness + reducing #polarization ow.ly/UsGR30qAEdp @sciam @francescagino #IdeologicalDiversity

On Reading + Writing

Bringing Harold Home: The Transformative Magic of #ReadingAloud by @karalareau @nerdybookclub ow.ly/i6xV30qzP8J | w/ #BookList of favorites + discussion of ideal #ReadAloud characteristics

Reading Joy in the Time of #Coronavirus | ow.ly/LppU30qypnx | @donalynbooks @sljournal has some tips for getting out of a reading funk + recapturing #JoyOfReading

Why #HarryPotter Is the Ideal Quarantine Read - @anna_russell @WSJ ow.ly/4fBf30qB6TN | #ComfortReads #kidlit

Could #DrSeuss Help us Deal with the #Coronavirus asks @TrevorHCairney ow.ly/OAsH30qypBH | What other books help kids deal w/ challenging time while growing as people?

This is useful: Steps of Teaching Young #Writers to Paraphrase @thisreadingmama ow.ly/htJG30qzPh1 | I'm working on just summarizing w/ my 10 y.o. right now, which is similar

Pursuing Meaningful, Authentic, Student-Centered #Writing During Precarious Times ow.ly/hpCD30qyCj6 | Nice roundup of resources and ideas @clssrmbkshlf #DistanceLearning

Parenting, Home Learning + Play

One family on why they opted against #RemoteLearning during #Coronavirus | ow.ly/dN9i30qBJzd @indyfromspace @TIME | #OutdoorPlay #IndependentLearning

This doesn't surprise me: Why some kids are happier right now @CNN ow.ly/ZSkK30qBgxe | Time to slow down, more free #play, less structure, more parental attention

Don't turn your home into school ... the #Lego professor of #play on #LockdownLearning for younger kids ow.ly/x6MR30qzOWn @DonnaLFerguson @GuardianEdu

Terry @TheReadingTub has a Stay-at-Home School Idea: Driveway Games ow.ly/VPjE30qBfRQ | She recaps some classics and adds curriculum fits and book suggestions | #HomeLearning #play

Stay-at-Home School Idea from @TheReadingTub : Let’s Play in the Dirt! ow.ly/Em8830qAgvs | Curriculum fit ideas and a #BookList

A reminder from @thisreadingmama that what parents are doing now is different from non-quarantine #Homeschooling in essential ways, and that the real thing in normal times has advantages not evident now

How Will #SocialIsolation During #COVID19 Affect Our Kids? - @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED ow.ly/ZhfE30qz0Ts | There's little research on impact of taking kids away from peers + teachers, it's an experiment in progress

How Parents Can Help Their Kids While Managing #DistanceLearning - @LindaFlanagan2 @MindShiftKQED ow.ly/USYk30qz0Se | “This isn’t just a ‘Mom’s’ job", keep it low-key + other reminders

I like this suggestion from @momandkiddo | Making and Keeping a Hobby Book ow.ly/S6uL30qyQ0l | My daughter's would be about LEGO | #parenting #HomeLearning

This may resonate, my zoomed-out fellow introverts: An introvert's plea: Let me socially distance in peace - @CNN ow.ly/Nr5V30qxSL9 #coronavirus

Schools + Libraries

Midday Yoga, The “Mute” Button, Easier Differentiation + more sleep for teens: Silver linings from one teacher regarding #DistanceLearning - @EducationNext ow.ly/qQuA30qA8WV (Yes, she notes negatives, too)

Connecting Kids to Digital Books While #Library Buildings are Closed - @abbylibrarian at #ALSCBlog ow.ly/EL9q30qypAy #eBooks

Students will go back to school eventually. Here are 5 concrete ideas for helping them catch up, readjust ow.ly/meHA30qyQ2F @matt_barnum @kalynbelsha @Chalkbeat | #Schools #coronavirus

© 2020 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage
