Links I Shared on Twitter Recently: June 19: Catching Up on the Past Month
June 19, 2020
Here are highlights from links that I shared on Twitter over the past month @JensBookPage. Although blogging got away from me over these past two months, I did continue sharing links as I found them on Twitter. Fewer than before (I pruned my blogroll significantly due to time constraints), but still lots of good stuff.
Below you'll find articles on #AchievementGap, #AntiRacism, #BookLists, #ClassroomLibraries, #Coding, #DistanceLearning, #EdTech, #EducationalEquity, #HigherEd, #Introversion, #JoyOfReading, #Lockdowns, #MentalHealth, #Play, #RemoteLearning, #ScreenTime, #Statistics, #SummerReading, and #writing. I went back about a month - beyond that things started to feel a bit dated. I hope that some of these links are still of interest. Happy reading and happy weekend!
Top Tweet of the Month
Why Are Some Kids Thriving During #RemoteLearning? | @NoraFleming1 @edutopia | A sub-set of kids are benefiting from more sleep, less distraction, self-pacing, etc. (This one had far, far and away the most engagement of anything that I shared over the past two months.)
Book Lists
13 #ChapterBooks To Tickle Funny Bones | #SummerReading 2020 #BookList from @sljournal | As found in the @Scholastic #KFRR, kids love #FunnyBooks. Nurture #JoyOfReading when you can.
12 Books All About #TreeHouses – Perfect #SummerReading #BookList from #Literacious
Here are the 2020 #EisnerAward Nominees! — @GoodComics4Kids @sljournal #GraphicNovels #kidlit
For anyone who might need them: 15 Children's Titles About Grief – #BookList from @literacious #PictureBooks
Anti-Racism Resources
#Antiracist Resources and Reads: Lists for All Ages — @fuseeight #BookLists, various links + @brownbookshelf Rally for Black Lives today on Facebook Live
Taking Stock and Taking Action to Educate Ourselves + Design #AntiRacist Curriculum | Another great, timely roundup of resources for teachers from @kegancunningham @clssrmbkshlf
Just Read This: #Literacy + #Reading News, May 2020 @TheReadingTub focuses on how books can help kids understand #AntiRacism + #SocialJustice | includes sample questions for parents to spark discussion + links to #kidlit #BookLists
Events, Programs + Research
RT @TheReadingTub: “Children need to laugh, too, and to feel free to read whatever.” ~ Jacqueline Wilson, former British Children's Laureate. 2020 theme: focus on funny books.
Katherine Paterson shares a free short story and #SummerReading guide for kids - The National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance
J.K. Rowling Introduces #TheIckabog (a free online serialization of a children's book she wrote as a #ReadAloud for her younger kids) | | My favorite part is that she's asking kids to submit illustrations for the print version
Beloved San Jose children's bookstore @Hicklebees fighting for survival, launches funding effort | I met + @Jon_Scieszka both here, in small group settings, back in the day + will be donating to the cause.
This is neat. The @uscensusbureau #StatisticsInSchools program uses #census data to create free learning resources. This page has #DistanceLearning activities for kids of all ages:
I missed this news when it came out last month: James Patterson Pledges $2.5 Million in Grants to #Teachers for #ClassroomLibraries | @sljournal via @ProfessorNana @Scholastic #PattersonPledge
College Inc. Faces a Sticker-Price Reckoning @WSJ #HigherEd | #Coronavirus + #DistanceLearning -> problems for "traditional schools because of their huge fixed costs" + business model
This resonated for me: On Realising One Might Be an #Introvert @TheSchoolOfLife via @susancain "We adore staying home... with some books"
On Reading, Writing, Blogging, and Publishing
The Upside of #Lockdowns: Finally Time to Read ‘War and Peace’ @WSJ | Not quite the same, but my husband and daughter are #reading #TheHobbit together
#Teaching for Collective Well-Being as Summer Approaches + @KavitaTanna @clssrmbkshlf #JoyOfReading #Gratitude #Writing + more
Could #COVID19 Mark the End of the Physical #Galley? — Interesting question for book reviewers from @FuseEight | #eGalleys are particularly painful.
I can relate this post from @literacious | Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why I Love #KidLit | I especially like "My people"
Useful reminder + tips for content creators (writers, illustrators, etc.): “Pay Me” is not an offensive term @AwfullyBigBlog
Parenting, Screen Time, Play = Mental Health
You Don’t Have To Be #ScreenFree To Be Successful as a family this summer, says @McKenzieRoss20 @HonorsGradU | Me, I'm working towards my daughter spending less time on screens, but none would be unrealistic
The Toll That Isolation Takes on Kids During the #Coronavirus Era. Playing with peers has important developmental benefits + doctors worry that kids are missing out @andreaapetersen @WSJ #Play
Save Your Kids From Covid’s Digital Deluge - @ArlenePellicane @WSJopinion | In my house the #lockdown induced #ScreenTime bounty has to go. My 10 y.o. is showing signs of addiction (irritability, etc.)
#Reading Before Kindergarten- Is It Really Necessary? – @McKenzieRoss20 @HonorsGradU says it's not bad, per se, but only if kids lead the way. Pushing kids to learn to read too early can destroy #LoveOfReading
Schools, Libraries + Distance Learning
In the News: The #Coronavirus Has Made It Obvious. Teenagers Should Start School Later. @EducationNext @nytimes | #SleepHabits
The Results Are In for #RemoteLearning: It Didn’t Work, say many students, teachers, parents + administrators + Lee Hawkins @WSJ | #LearningGaps, #Inequity + absenteeism among problems discussed
Only 1 in 5 #K12 Schools Offered 'Rigorous' #RemoteLearning, @AEI Study Says - @MarkALieberman @EdWeekEdTech | Disparity worst in high-poverty + low-achievement districts | #EdTech challenges a factor
Survey by @educationweek finds 65% Educators Want #Schools to Stay Closed to Slow Spread of #COVID19, even as 82% of teachers think they're more effective working in a school vs. #DistanceLearning
Interest grows in mastery-based #learning during pandemic, though evidence remains thin - @matt_barnum @Chalkbeat
#SummerReading and Learning for Teachers by @ClareLandrigan & @pennykittle @nerdybookclub | The #BookLove Foundation will focus this online #BookClub on #GraciesList, honoring @AS_King's daughter
Stay-at-Home School Idea: @TheReadingTub suggests DIY Virtual #Yearbooks to capture + share this unique year | #DistanceLearning
#AchievementGaps Increase The Longer Kids Stay In School, says @natwexler @Forbes | Recent data on differs from older studies, finds gaps growing during the school year
Depressing but important: The Pandemic Sent 1.5 Billion Children Home From #School. Many Might Not Return. US + European authorities try to stop kids from #DroppingOut permanently #EducationalEquity
Encouraging More Girls (and Boys) to Explore Engineering, Technology and #Coding #STEM #GirlsWhoCode #GenderGaps
Studio Spaces: #Art as a Way of Seeing, Feeling, and Sense-Making: Teaching Ideas for the Virtual Exhibit at the @carlemuseum @clssrmbkshlf @sljournal #CarleArtInPlace
© 2020 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. You can also follow me @JensBookPage.