This is a list of all the books that I read aloud to Baby Bookworm in 2011, including re-reads. Re-reads in the same sitting aren't counted again, but re-reads on subsequent days are. I find it interesting to look back at how certain books ebbed and flowed in popularity over the year. The grand total for the year was 1526, almost certainly an underestimate, because I didn't always remember to log the books as they were read.
(October 1 - December 31 below. See Q1 books here, Q2 book here and Q3 books here)
Baby Bookworm's 2011 Reads, Q4
Dorling Kindersley: Dk Peekaboo Baby Says
Eileen Christelow: Five Little Monkeys Reading in Bed
Leslie Patricelli: No No Yes Yes
Judith Kerr: One Night in the Zoo
Margaret Wise Brown: Home for a Bunny (Little Golden Book)
Joan Holub: Turkeys Never Gobble
H. A. Rey: Curious George and the Bunny
Dr. Seuss: Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!
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