47 posts categorized "Books Now Available" Feed

Books Now Available: this world we live in

Thisworld Back in December I reviewed this world we live in, the third book in Susan Beth Pfeffer's dystopian series (after Life As We Knew It and the dead & the gone). I said:

Like the other two books in this series, this world we live in is a book that made me appreciate the things that I have. Right after finishing the book, I sat down and ate some cut-up fresh fruit and leftover macaroni & cheese. And I thought "oh, how Miranda would go crazy for this." this world we live in is also a book that made me think. I found myself lying in bed last night musing, "OK, but what's going to happen next? What will happen when society completely runs out of food from before the change in the moon? If you can't grow any food, because you have no sunlight, how can humanity continue at all?"

That's what makes this world we live in such a powerful book. The issues are compelling enough to evoke questions, while the characters are real enough to make the story resonate on a personal level. Of course, these attributes make it an excellent book for young  adult readers, too.

this world we live in is scheduled for publication today. Great news for dystopia fans! Don't miss it!

Books Now Available: After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick

51tlf8f+FiL._SL500_AA240_ Back in November, I reviewed the sequel to Jordan Sonnenblick's Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie, After Ever After. I said:

"I had high expectations for After Ever After, and it did not disappoint... It is worth the wait, a must-read title for fans of Jordan Sonnenblick's novels. My suggestion, if you can spare the time, is to re-read Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie in January, to be ready for this one when it's available. Though After Ever After is written from an eighth grade boy's perspective, I think that girls will enjoy it, too."

After Ever After is now available. Don't miss it! (But read Drums, Girls first, if you haven't already).

© 2009 by Jennifer Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page. All rights reserved. All Amazon links in this post are affiliate links, and may result in my receiving a small commission on purchases (with no additional cost to you).

Books Now Available: Front and Center

Front and CenterBack in June, I reviewed the third book in Catherine Gilbert Murdock's series about D.J. Schwenk,  Front and Center. I said:

Front and Center is a perfect coming of age story and a completely satisfying conclusion to the three-book series. It's a book that you'll finish with a deep sigh and a few tears, and then immediately want to get a copy of for the 12-to-15-year-old girls in your life.

I am thrilled to report that Front and Center is scheduled for publication today. Fans of the series will not want to miss it. And if you're not already a fan of the series, do give it a try. These are among my very favorite young adult fiction titles. Start with Dairy Queen.

Books Now Available: Fire: Kristin Cashore

Fire One of my favorite books of the year is now available for purchase: Kristin Cashore's FIRE. I reviewed Fire back in August, saying:  

Kristin Cashore's Fire is a prequel (or perhaps more accurately a companion novel set 30 years earlier) to last year's Graceling. Graceling was one of my favorite titles of 2008. When I say that Fire more than lives up to the bar set by Graceling, well, that should tell you that Fire is something special.

All I can say is, don't miss your chance to read Fire. Fans of Graceling will not be disappointed. If you haven't read Graceling, I do recommend (as does the author) that you read Graceling first. Even though Fire is a prequel, it contains a fairly significant spoiler for Graceling. Read more about Kristin Cashore's thoughts on launch day here.

Books Now Available: Pastworld

PastworldLast week, I reviewed Ian Beck's Pastworld. I said:

Ian Beck's Pastworld is a young adult title that is a bit difficult to categorize. The setting is a mix of past and future. The genre a mix of mystery/thriller and speculative science fiction. But I found the premise irresistible.

Pastworld is a theme park version of Victorian London. It's a fully restored, historically accurate (mostly) version of the city.

I thought when I published the review that it wasn't going to be published until November, but it turns out that (effective September 29th) Pastworld is now available for purchase. Fans of brooding mysteries and alternative histories will want to give it a look.

Books Now Available: Candor

CandorLast month, I reviewed Candor by Pam Bachorz. I said:

"Candor, by Pam Bachorz, is an example of my favorite genre, dystopian young adult fiction. It's a book that will make readers think... Candor is a fast-paced, first-person novel. It's thought-provoking, atmospheric, and more than a bit scary, with flashes of dry humor."

I think that Candor is going to be a hit. It is scheduled for publication today, and is a don't-miss for dystopia fans.

Updated to add: just learned from the comments (thank you MotherReader) that Pam Pachorz will be at KidLitCon next month. How great is that?

Books Now Available: Silksinger

SilksingerBack in early May, I was fortunate enough to be able to read and review the second book in Laini Taylor's Dreamdark series, Silksinger. In my review, I said:

"While fans of the first book certainly won't want to miss Silksinger, I would also recommend the Dreamdark books to people who aren't ordinarily fans of fantasy. Silksinger is beautifully written, suspenseful, heartbreaking, ingenious, and funny. In short, this book has it all. On closing the book, I felt utterly satisfied, like someone who had just finished an excellent meal. Silksinger has my highest recommendation."

Silksinger is scheduled for publication today. I recommend it for readers 10 and up, adults included (though I strongly suggest reading the first book, Blackbringer, first).

Books Now Available: Ghost Huntress 2: The Guidance

The GuidanceAs part of MotherReader's 48-hour book challenge in June, I read and reviewed Marley Gibson's second Ghost Huntress book: The Guidance. I said of this series:

"Both books are filled with more references to specific clothing brands and URLs than I personally enjoy (let along recognize), and a smidge more profanity than seems strictly necessary for character development. And yet, in much the same way I enjoy the occasional CW series, I've enjoyed both books... The Ghost Huntress books are not going to be for everyone. But I find them an entertaining diversion, and the ghost-hunting paraphernalia intriguing. I think that teens will, too."

The Guidance is scheduled for publication today. But you'll want to read Ghost Huntress: The Awakening first.

Books Now Available: Gianna Z and Trouble Gum

Two books that I reviewed previously are available today (in addition to Catching Fire, which I mentioned in my last post, and The Sweetheart of Prosper County, which I reviewed this past weekend).

Gianna ZI reviewed Kate Messner's middle grade novel The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z early last month. I said:

"I liked the way the many threads of the story came together, and the balance between happy and realistic endings. I appreciated the warmth of the final scenes, and the way that Gianna solved her problems. Most of all, Gianna felt real to me. She's far from perfect, but her imperfections are genuine... The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z. is a book that I'll remember for a long time. I recommend it."

You can also read Kate's thoughts on publication day, at her blog.

Trouble GumI also reviewed Matthew Cordell's picture book Trouble Gum. I said, of this mischiveous title:

"It's all in good fun for the reader. Moms might take issue with the disasters wrought by the little pigs, but kids are sure to enjoy Trouble Gum. I think this one would work best for early elementary school kids."

These books (along with several others that I haven't had a chance to read yet) are available today.

Books Now Available: Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

ShiverEarlier this month I reviewed Maggie Stiefvater's second novel for young adults: Shiver. Here's an excerpt from my review:

"Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver is, on the surface, a young adult fantasy novel about werewolves. But really, Shiver is a love story about two individuals longing for one another across a nearly impossible chasm... Despite being a "werewolf story", Shiver is much more a novel of atmosphere, characterization, and romance than of action. Like Stiefvater's first YA novel, Lament, Shiver captures love and longing perfectly."

Shiver is scheduled for publication on Saturday, but it seems to already be available for order from Amazon and Powell's. It is not to be missed. A sequel, Linger, is scheduled for publication in fall of 2010.

Books Now Available: Closed for the Season

Closed for the SeasonBack in April, I reviewed Mary Downing Hahn's 30th novel, Closed for the Season, a middle grade mystery set in an abandoned amusement park. I said:

"Closed for the Season is a straight-up mystery, without the supernatural trappings found in many of Hahn's other books. Hahn has a real knack, however, for depicting kid-friendly settings and plots, and for quick, insightful descriptions of people and places... (The) combination of realistic interpersonal dynamics with atmospheric, suspenseful mystery is sure to please kids. Especially those kids who aren't athletes, and have been known to spend an afternoon or two in the local library."

Closed for the Season is scheduled for publication today. Middle grade mystery fans won't be able to resist this one.

Books Now Available: When the Whistle Blows

When the Whistle BlowsBack in April I reviewed When the Whistle Blows, a historical novel set in a small railroad town in the 1940s, by Fran Cannon Slayton. I called it: "a beautifully written, quiet sort of book, but one that includes enough mad-cap fun to appeal to reluctant / dormant readers." I concluded:

"When the Whistle Blows is sure to receive acclaim for Slayton's writing. But I think that it also has abundant kid appeal. Librarians, just ask your middle grade boys if they'd like to read a book in which a boy: hides in a graveyard and throw things at cars on Halloween; sneaks out at night to spy on an adult secret society; and faces off a train on a railroad bridge. If these incidents aren't boy-friendly, I don't know what is. When the Whistle Blows has my highest recommendation."

When the Whistle Blows is scheduled for publication today. This is one that people are going to be talking about. You won't want to miss it. 

PS. The Class of 2k9 Blog has an interview with Fran Slayton today, in honor of her launch day. There's another at Becky's Book Reviews, and a third at Shelf Elf.